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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Drover, The Man of the House :)

by Ricky H and Rachel H
(St. Louis Missouri. United States)



Not Much to tell right now. He is 11 weeks old. We got him from Pampered Pets in Chesterfield Missouri. He is a wonderful dog. On his first day he only went potty in the house once. :) Today (Day three) Was a big and somewhat nerve racking day for me and Rachel. He had his wellness check today provided by Pampered Pets. He then proceeded to be a "Brave Boy" and try the stairs. (Keep in mind he is 7 pounds) Well he made the first stair and then not so lucky on the second he slid down all the stairs keep in mind he didnt fall just belly surfed. Lol it was so cute and he looked to the top where we were and barked once and ran away :P.

I'm really on this sight though because tonight my little man got sick and we took him to the vet and they seemed concerned about parvo. And I know I've only had him 3 days but I'm 100% in love with this guy. So I cannot sleep. So please everyone pray for the little guy. If there is a way to update this I will so everyone knows how he is doing :)

P.S. No picture yet on the computer. But he is Primarily Black body with white and brown legs. White around his neck and a little strip between his eyes then a big round brown spot. He looks like a little owl.

Comments for Drover, The Man of the House :)

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So much to tell :)
by: Ricky H

Wow this dog is truly brillant. Anyone reading this look at youtube for dog training tips. As well as this site. VERY VERY helpful. Drover has become smarter than her chow chow sister (which isnt saying much i know) He has learned Sit, stay, rollerover, come (Everytime no matter what) and we are learning to catch frisbees now. Another hobby is to try to teach him to go into his cage. Not really a big one but it would be cool for him to know. The funny thing is i think he knows what i am trying to make him do and he whines at me when i say goto cage. almost like he is complaining lol. Just like a child.

Oh i almost forgot. I say bang! really loud and he plays dead. This dog is truly amazing.

Big Step Today
by: Ricky H

Just wanted to add Drover learned how to go down stairs today! We were so proud of him :) he is sooooo smart.

What a Relief!
by: Anton

Thanks for the update. I'm so glad that Drover is feeling better and it's not parvo. I look forward to seeing your future posts.

Good News :)
by: Ricky

Drover is happy and healthy Sorry took so long to post. He is fine. Just a bit of a cold. He was on IV all night and went home the next morning. Ill post more pictures as he is growing up :P

Thanks so much for everyone who thought of my little guy through his scary ordeal :P

Much love.

Drover is getting braver. He is learning how to climb Stairs a little better. and went on his first long walk the other day (about 3 miles)

He also had his first night of not pottying in the house.

More updates to come!

For Drover
by: Christina

My prayers will be with him and you also. I hope all goes really well for him.

Praying for you and Drover
by: Pat

Of course I will pray, for all of you. And, yes, please let us know how the little guy is doing.

Love at First Sight
by: Anton

I know how it is... love at first sight. Thanks for letting us know about Drover. Please do let us know how he is doing.

Just post a comment to your original story. Also if you get a picture and you want me to add it to this story just visit this page for more info.

Just let me know it's a picture of Drover for this story.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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