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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Ear Taping/Gluing

by Chase

My three month old male has pointy ears. He is not a show dog and will never be a "baby daddy", but he is a good looking Aussie. Does anyone have advice on taping or gluing his ears? Does it work? How long should the tape stay on.

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Ear Taping/Gluing
by: Heidi

Ok, even if your dog was a show dog I wouldn't agree but WHY would you want to subject your pup to either taping or gluing? Is there something wrong that would affect his ability to hear?? Please reconsider the real reason that you want this done and weigh the balance of reason, if it is NOT all ready too late...

Been there, done that
by: Anonymous

We ordered the glue and glue remover online. There are instructions online on an Aussie website. We tried it once but decided not to repeat the treatment because after all Tessie is a companion dog only. It's messy and the dog is somewhat uncomfortable initially. I hope it works for you, if that is your decision. Our Tessie's ears never went down and she is a year and a half now. We love her just the same.

by: Gayle Big Run Aussie

There are many videos online concerning ear taping. The sire of my youngest dog, Bryn, told me about the chin strap, which seems the best way to control ears. I could not stand to see Bryn so sad, so I never taped her ears again after the 1st time. Her ears are perfectly tipped like a sheltie. She is breed standard, but no judge would put her up because of her ears, even though they are BREED STANDARD. Bryn is adorable and the ears match her spunky personality. So, what I am saying is that you can tape his ears, but expect a very sad boy. Look up the videos and decide.

by: yusaf

my aussie went through this when she was teething and i actually heard that it is common for aussies to have their ears point up while they are teething usually it is just one ear and after they are about 5-6 months old it goes away

Thanks For The Info
by: cpend

Yusaf - Thanks for your comments. Our pup is just 16 weeks old and this AM had the one ear up and one ear down. Very cute, but my sister said I should glue it. I think I will pass on that and let it be. She will probably grow out of it.

Glue for Flat Ears
by: Anonymous

Once they are done teething the ears will be where they are, they will not suddenly go down and flat. During the teething is the time to do something if you want them flat. You can use mole skin and glue a piece to the underside of the ear and it causes no discomfort to the dog. Only need to do this until all the teeth are in and they will be flat and pretty. Some people want the ears nicely set and flat, if you don't then no worries, it's a personal choice.

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