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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Eating Everything In Sight

by Jenene
(San Diego, CA, USA)

Is it common for a blue merle to try to eat everything in sight—rocks, bark, paper, eye glasses, you name it and he's tried to eat it! It's not so much chewing as it is eating.

Comments for Eating Everything In Sight

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Dont Panic
by: Cheryl

simple answer is YES!!! Try not to worry my girl Indie is now 19mths old and would eat wood, rocks you name it she would try (and succeed) and eat it. I was really concerned as there is a lot of gravel, rocks etc in our soil. Indie would chew and swallow. I am pleased to let you know she has now grown out of this habit. Teeth and stomach in tact - amazing:) I did give her a fair amount of ice cubes to chew on this helped immensely. One of the most useful commands is drop (whats in her mouth) saved a few items from going down her tummy! Good Luck

Eating Habits
by: Kathy

How old is your Aussie? I know my six month old male is still experimenting with flavors and textures. I have a few holes in my walls that will be fixed once he stops wanting to chew and destroy!

Thank you Cheryl and Kathy
by: Jenene

Connor is now 9 mos. old. Last Friday morning he threw up plastic that he got from heaven knows where. I feel like I eyes are in him all the time but he still manages to eat. things he shoudn't! He's always on the prowl for stuff on the ground whenever he's outside.

Eats Everything
by: TinaMarie

Yes Yes Yes...while we have had many misadventures based upon his ability to find & eat things he shouldn' day my 9 month old Aussie yelped and it was because he had somehow found a tac that fell out of my bulletin board and he had it stuck in his tongue. I immediately went to the vet & signed up for the pet insurance-this little one is going to get into more trouble!

The vet is on speed dial.
by: Kathy

My 9 month old female Aussie Zada eats everything. She ate a whole box of hostess ding dongs. Frantic I called the Vet AGAIN. He wasn't concerned about the chocolate just. Just the plastic. The next morning it came out alright. prepackaged poop!

by: Anonymous

Hi, my new puppy Harley loves to eat anything she can get her paws on. She has a new habit of opening the cupboards. She eats anything on the floor like my onion bags. Today she ate 2 dishwasher packs out a the cupboard and I have Ben been trying things to make her stop. I have yelled at her I have showed her her toy to bite and play with instead of having her go searching for food. She also bites a lot when she is over excited and then I end the playtime but she does not understand it. I am 15 years old and I'm trying to help out my mom and dad. Please help me anything at all would be awesome 😍😋😀

by: Anonymous

Hello. The best thing we found that helps is training at pet smart. It does wonders with these issues.

I want to scream!!
by: Marci

I have a mini Aussie that I have a serious love/hate relationship with! I love him so much, except when he eats rocks! We are now on our second surgery in 2 months because he has had rocks in his intestines! I’m super frustrated and I’m not sure how to fix the problem. We have a doggy door so the pups can come in and out freely. I have him and a 4 year old pug shire and thought I was done having t watch their every move! My Aussie has been through obedience training, but I have not done well with working with him. That will be the first thing we do when I bring him home tomorrow! If anyone has any suggestions I would love the advice!!

Aussie and Neck Gaiters
by: Kim

Would like to give everyone a heads up-- our 4 1/2 month old Aussie has a love of silky neck gaiters. My son had 4 of his go missing and after searching for a week we found one wadded up in a ball on the LR floor. Looked like it had been in muddy water. Ok no big deal. A few days later our Aussie threw up her food immediately after eating and wishing an hour we found 2 more neck gaiters wadded up by the kitchen door mixed with dog food. At that point we realized she had been eating them. Strange to me BUT I just caught her in the act with yet another neck gaiter half way down her throat and had to pull it from her mouth. We are still missing one and she goes to the vet tomorrow for shots and an X-ray hair to be safe. No noticeable problems and acts completely fine. They are a child's gaiter but so weird to me. Def have to hide these in a locked drawer. Be careful with your Aussies.

Exhausted Aussie Owner
by: Anonymous

I have had to ask my daughter not to bring her Aussie to my house anymore until he receives some real training. He eats everything in sight, furniture legs, walls, tall enough now to grab stuff off my desk and eat it! Shedding is a horror!!! We get hair all over everything because he can’t be still. Also lately jumps on furniture. When in a conversation with someone he walks over and barks loudly for attention. We have to send him to his kennel to stop the behaviors.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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