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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Eating Non Food Items

by Joanne

My Aussie is 6 mts old. She eats toilet tissue (when she can get it) plastic wrap etc. I try to get it out of her mouth but she won't let it go. I never realized how strong an Aussie's jaw is. Is this something she will out grow and has anyone else had this problem.

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My Aussies eat EVERYTHING!
by: Marie E Vallejo

I have 2 6month old Aussies, sisters. They will eat everything. Zoli is worse than Mya about it though. Toilet tissue and napkins are a favorite but they are not particular at all. I have caught her chewing on an aluminum can!!!! Zoli chewed and ate some of a plastic drip tray under a large planter. She even passed pieces of it. It is a constant worry that she will eat something that will harm her. I'm hoping this stage of 'puppyhood' will be ending soon!!!

Eating Non Food Items
by: Julie

This is very typical and my 6 month old Aussie recently grabbed a Brillo Pad; now how tasty can that be! Best way to remove an item is to begin gently applying pressure on their lips, gums over their teeth until they let go. Works like a charm and it doesn't harm them any.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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