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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

E-Collar For My 7-Month-Old Australian Shepherd

by Janie Heslep
(Smithfield, NC)

I'm writing to get advice on e-collars. I have an incredible 7-month-old spayed female Australian Shepherd and I work at a horse farm.

She has a tendency now to run at the fence and bark at the horses or if I am riding she will jump at their nose. I am trying to keep her safe as well as the horses. I am having a hard time getting her to stop this behavior.

Otherwise she is a fantastic puppy more than I could have ever asked for as a first time Aussie owner. So e-collar or no?

Comments for E-Collar For My 7-Month-Old Australian Shepherd

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by: Anonymous

Your pup is doing exactly what it was bred to do - herd livestock. So you are dealing with an instinct rather than just bad behaviour. Ecollars are designed mainly as retrieval messages for bird dogs in the field, so using them as corrections is a different thing. I’m sure you could stop the jumping and nose nipping while you are riding, and you could teach the pup to stay out of the paddock/ring etc. But I would not lay money on stopping the barking and excitement. If you do decide to get an ecollar, make sure it has several settings, and start low. Too high and you could ruin/scare the pup too much.

Responding to above comment
by: Anonymous

Hi yes I do realize this is what she is bred to do. Just trying to get a way to get her attention to redirect her attention. She charges the fence that the horses are in and scares them which is a liability in of itself. She will not budge on her attention once she is set on running the horse. I keep working on her all her other commands are coming along nicely. Thank you for the input
I am hesitant to get the collar but would only use the vibrate mode to redirect her attention back on me.

by: Anonymous

Hi! I have an ecollar for my Australian Shepherd. We go on a lot of off leash hikes so I wanted the security of an ecollar. This is the one we use!

I will say, my Aussie went for a two week board and train where they worked with him and the ecollar. I also had private lessons with a trainer in order to know how to properly use it.

No Collar
by: Anonymous

Leave your dog inside? Have a helper hold your dog while you get on and off the horse and just fill em full of treats while they get used to you on a horse. Teach them "leave it". I feel like an ecollar could teach them to fear horses. I’ve been shocked by a collar and I know that if I felt that zap anytime I went near a horse, I’d be stressed out and afraid them.

Desensitizing Aussie
by: Anonymous

From day one I took my pup in my arms to a busy road at rush hour, in order to desensitize him to rapid movement. Movement is their trigger. It seems you have a real herder there, and if you could work on getting it used to running, moving objects it might help ?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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