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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Elderly Dog Dealing With Snow and Cold Weather

by Michael

My wife and I recently adopted a Mini Aussie Shepherd. We’ve noticed that the cold snow bothers him because he’ll raise his arm or leg in an effort to relieve the pain. That’s what it appears to us that he’s doing.

He’s 15 and his back legs give out on him often. But… he still seems to love being outside. That said, I worry about him and I often go outside and pick him up and bring him in.

Am I being too overprotective? What if the snow and cold gets to be too much and he can’t get up?

Would very much appreciate any thoughts!

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Cold Weather Problems
by: Anonymous

We are seeing the same thing! We have a Miniature Aussie who is six years old. When she goes into very cold weather, she will lift up her back leg. Recently, she is nearly immobilized and will plop down on the snow and we will have to pick her up to bring her back in.

We do not take her out as frequently or leave her out for extended periods of time. We have not experienced this with any other dog breed.

Elderly dog dealing with snow
by: Nancy

I'm no vet but have had a lot of dogs in my life.
Sounds to me with the back legs, could be a nerve problem or arthritis. Sometimes inflammation can cause swelling which can pinch a nerve and cause the back legs to fail. My dog had this problem. The vet, applying a little pressure with fingers slowly ran them down his spine. With the dog standing. When she got to a certain area his legs would slightly give. You could try that and see what happens? I would definitely take your pup to the vet though. They can give pain meds, gabapentin can help with nerve pain. Rimadyl can help with arthritis. There's steroids too that be beneficial too depending on the problem. Please get your dog evaluated.

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