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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Excessive Barking

by Linda
(Glenview, IL)

We have a 1 1/2 year old neutered male Aussie. He is very hyped up about reacting to anything that goes by or near the house, resulting in excessive barking. We've been working with trainer for 6 months now, and made good progress with "here" when he sees something, but we can't always be looking out the window with him. Any other ideas??

From, "frustrated in Glenview"

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Barking Aussie
by: Anonymous

Hello. My Aussie is about 20 months and she has started the guarding/barking phase as well. It's as if adolescence has magnified her personality! I keep a spray bottle of water near me. When the barking gets out of control, I give a squirt to startle her. This helps a bit.

Water bottle on excessive bark doesnt work
by: Anonymous

We have a 3 year old female that barks at everyone and everything she hears and not sees. Water bottle wont work because she likes the water. We have a collar to help that but she gets use to the vibration on her neck. So any other suggestions?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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