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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Excited Barking In The Car

by Wrangler's Mom

My three-year-old Mini Aussie barks in the car out of sheer joy and excitement on the way to meet her fur-buddies most mornings. She usually waits a few blocks before she starts, but once started she can work herself into qualify as a bark-a-thon winner. I'm happy to see her so joyful, but this barking is too annoying and distracting. We have found that abruptly stopping the car when she barks makes her stop momentarily. However, we can only do this safely when there is no traffic and we are very close to our destination. Any suggestions?

Comments for Excited Barking In The Car

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by: Anonymous

Keep a small sprayer bottle of water by your side - set on Spray, not Stream. When she barks, spray in her general direction. You don't need to take your eyes off the road. You could also accompany this with a cue word for not barking....."hush", "quiet", "that'll do", ...
Eventually all you will need to do is pick up the bottle :-)

by: Nancy

We have two Aussies and have found that taking a spray bottle and filling it with water and spraying them when they bark works. One even lays down when I get the spray bottle out. We keep one bottle in the car and one in the house. It works for us. Good Luck!!!

Barking in the Car
by: Kathy

Hi there

Our Aussie gets anxious in the car, and barks non stop on car rides. Her bark is very loud and continuous, sort of like Chinese Water Torture. There are doubtless behavior modification techniques that will be suggested here, and I hope they make a difference.

With our girl, we tried a herbal sedative recommended by our vet, but it didn't help at all. Like your pup, ours gets quite worked up and is unstoppable.

What has worked is a light fabric muzzle. I know, it looks terrible and I feel mean doing it, but it reduces the racket to a tolerable level. She spends the first part of the trip trying to figure out a way to remove it:), and does manage to bark a bit, but the noise and frequency are reduced.

Good luck!

by: Wrangler's mom

Thank you all for your suggestions!

by: Kathy

We tried the spray bottle, but our Aussie ducked when we sprayed. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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