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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Blaine
(Oak Grove, KY, USA)

Can my Aussie keep up with me and not be over exhausted on a 3-4 mile run at an 8 minute mile pace?

Comments for Exercise

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It Depends
by: Anton

An 8 minute mile is a good pace for a person and Aussies won't have much trouble keeping up with that pace over only 3 or 4 miles.

BUT, this is not something you want to do with puppies whose bones are still developing.

You will also need to consider what they are running on. You have padded, cushioned running shoes but your dog doesn't. If they are running on concrete, asphalt, gravel, hard packed dirt with rocks, etc. it might not be safe. Especially because this is something you will want to do repeatedly.

I would say take it easy and be aware of potential hazards on your route. If you are running on grass in a park you should be fine.

No sweat
by: Dan

I take my Aussie running and hiking quite a bit. I run 4 miles every week night and she always comes along. I run roughly at your pace of 8 minute miles and to be honest she is the one who pushes the pace. I have also done 10 mile hikes with her over rugged terrain and she loves it. I always let her dictate the pace for a couple reasons. First, her pace is better than mine lol So she helps me push it and keep in better shape. Secondly, if it is a little warm out or we are doing a long hike and I notice her pace is slowing I slow mine as well. Just keep an eye on your Aussie and you can always tell if they need to slow down or take a water break but I would bet on a 3 or 4 mile run your Aussie would easily make an 8 minute pace and who knows before you know it he/she might be pushing you into 7 minute miles ;)

6 hr. mountainbike ride.
by: Ram

I take my aussie on 1 1/2hr bike rides each day on my mountain bike.And on weekends we will sometimes bike on mountain trails for up to 6hrs,He has no problem keeping up as long as I am careful he does not get overheated, when the weather is warm he likes to stop at the streams and lay down to cool off. I always make sure he has water and will stop several times when on a long ride to allow him and me to take a breather. So a 4 or 5 mile run is nothing to a aussie try a 10 or 20 mile bike ride just don't try long distances the 1st time you have to work up to that level over a period of time.

Bike Riding...special training
by: Smagee

I have never had a dog that I can take running/bike riding.

And I am getting a new Aussie 2nd week in January. I would love it if I could take her on bike rides. I am soo nervous about her crossing the in front of the bike and gettiner hurt. Is there anyhting special I need to do to train her.

Dog's age is a factor
by: Karen

My Aussie is 5 months old. We walk at least 7 km a night sometimes up to 10. That is I walk 7 km, she puts on way more as she is running in and out of trees and around the fields. I worry about overdoing it as I know we have to be careful until their growth plates come together. The vet has checked her, as recently as 2 days ago, and says things are fine now but sometimes the trouble doesn't show until later in life.
My question then is: How do I rid her of her insatiable energy? She loves being out and I never push her, she takes the lead.
I have had heeler/shepherd crosses before and they make great biking companions. They learn so quickly to run beside. I started with them on a leash going a short distance and then building up and taking them off the leash. I don't recall using a leash for more than 6 rides before they get it.

Bike rides
by: Anonymous

We use a WalkyDog with our Aussie's, it keeps them at your side so they can't get upfront or really dart to the sides. We do 5-10 miles at a pretty fast pace and it's nothing for them.

MTB and Aussie
by: Brett

I just started taking my Aussie mountain biking with me a few weeks ago. He is almost 11 months old. We do 6-8 miles 3 to 4 times a week. He has no issues staying with me and loves it! He first time I took him he stayed by my side while on the road to the trail. Once on the trail he stayed right behind me. After breaks the first couple times he tried getting out in front, but I quickly corrected the behavior and he learned to let me go first so I didn't worry about hitting him. I also took him on his first backpacking trip last weekend. He carried his own pack with food, water, and treats (REI has great dog packs). He led on the trail the entire time. He would venture a little ahead and then turn and stop to check on me and let me catch up. I love my Aussie and he is the perfect biking and hiking companion!

Australian Shepherd running advice
by: Anonymous

Nobody has mentioned the heat factor concerning running or playing of Aussies yet (and all other dogs). Dogs are; depending on coat; size, physical condition, age and type of dog, more sensitive to heat than humans and fare worse with heat stroke. The difference between my Aussies endurance playing Frisbee on a 40 deg day and a 80 deg day is quite a lot. She will fetch until your arm falls off at 40 deg. At 80 deg she will want to take a break in the shade after 10-15 minutes. Working Aussies & Border Collies will run up to 100 miles per day, day after day when herding sheep. Dogs love to play and run so much that some will overdue it, go into heatstroke and die unless supervised by a knowledgeable owner. Learn the signs of heat distress!

run and mtb
by: Anonymous

i ride and run with my aussie. i usually don't let him do more than 15-17 miles on the trail and keep him close to me--though that's still a work in progress. i got him an evaporative cooling vest that makes him look like a major nerd but helps him stay cooler--it's made a big difference. he does overheat easily and i noticed that with the vest his recovery is faster and he has more energy. you really have to work up to the longer stuff and can't just work him hard on the weekends. he's so much fun on the trail and we definitely let him set the pace and stop often to let him recover. He also gets tons of treats and extra food after a big work out!

How much running?
by: Dog runner

I was worried that I was over running my Dante, We have done two 13 mile runs and a very fast 3 miler in the last 4 days. I am tired but he still wants to play. I was worried I might be over running him but since looking at this site it is nice to know it is good for him.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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