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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Extra Large Australian Shepherd?

by John C
(Jacksonville, FL)

My first large Aussie.

My first large Aussie.

So it seems like with Mini and Toy Aussies getting so popular that Australian Shepherds are getting smaller. I have a blue merle that's about 55lbs. My first Aussie passed away last year and I've been trying to find a second Aussie. I really want an Aussie on the larger side, in the 60-75lbs range but it's harder than you would think.

Does anyone know of a breeder that specializes in larger Aussies?

Comments for Extra Large Australian Shepherd?

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check the breed standard
by: Anonymous

The breed standard states that males are to be between 50-65 lbs and females between 40-55 lbs. Why would you want a dog that is bigger than the standard? I use to own Newfs. The breed standard for a female is 100-120. I had a very nice bitch that was 119 lbs. She looked like a pup in the confirmation class. Most females were weighing in at 130-145 lbs. They were showing more and more health issues like joint problems and torn ligaments. I'd rather have a healthy smaller (within the breed standard) dog than a bigger one with health issues. My female Aussie weighs in between 52 and 53 lbs.

Large Puppies
by: Jeri Weber

We got our blue merle Frankie from a breeder in New Mexico, Desert Willow Aussies. Frankie weighs in at 75lbs, and his sire (Cool Hand Luke) was equally that, maybe bigger, there are pups from his litter that are probably close to ready for their new home. Go to the website and speak with owner Theresa Gorduyn.

by: Anonymous

I agree I think having a healthy standard weight Australian Shepherd is much better not only for you but for your Aussie because they don't enjoy having health problems and I wouldn't want my Aussie having health problems due to her weight. It's better to just have standard Aussie weight size is nothing compared to just enjoying your healthy fur baby.

Extra Large Aussie
by: Rebecca

We have had three female Aussies and they have all been between 50-55 lbs. Our vet recommended we keep them at that weight for reasons of maximum health. They have all been wonderfully active and extremely intelligent. I agree with those who recommend the standard size Aussie.

Large standard
by: John

I'm not asking for an overweight Aussie, I'm asking for a large standard. My first Aussie that passed was 14. She was very healthy until she came down with cancer. No bone or joint issues at all. She averaged 65lbs her entire adult life.

Breed standard according to who???
by: Anonymous

I’ve always thought the ASCA standard only listed height (20 to 23" at shoulder), not weight. Were you referring to AKC? There are a lot of AKC types trying to make the "Big, Dumb, and Fluffy" phrase a reality, not just a joke by breeding bulky, awkward dogs. On the other hand, I’ve seen true working dogs 23" or maybe over that were probably close to 70lbs that no one would call oversize after watching them work all day long. Maybe that’s the type they were looking for.

Come on people
by: Anonymous

Are you people politicians, or just dense? He is saying he had an Aussie that was bred to be large in the first place. Not feed the damn thing to pig status, come on people.

Almost 30 years ago I had an Aussie on my ranch pushing cattle by my side that was a working machine and my best friend for 17 years. He weighed 85 lbs and could take down a pack of coyotes. Supper smart, agile, brave, and loyal to a fault.

That is what he and I want to find again.
The problem is that all of you yuppies have bred the large Aussies out of existence. So that you could have your helper dogs and damn minis. Just another breed of dog you all have ruined.

Larger Aussie
by: Anonymous

Our Aussie fluctuates between 80-85 lbs, and is strong willed, loving, and loyal as can be. He is very healthy and not overweight. He can outwork me any day of the week, but is content hanging out with us just as well.

We got ours from a farm breeder in Quebec; him and his brothers and sisters were bred to work. The bigger Aussies exist up North, but I have seen few his size.

Large Healthy Aussie
by: Jeannie

I had to comment, even if this might be old. I’m not sure why there were any negative comments. My family and my brother's family got a male black tri Aussie from the same litter. Our two pups were the biggest in the litter. My brother's dog, 22" at the shoulder between 60 and 65 lbs, super cute dog. My Harley, 26" at the shoulder healthy weight between 80 and 85 lbs, he’s as quick as his brother, as smart, as funny and happy. They are so much the same dog, mine's just big. Just like people they can be different. Can Harley be shown, I suppose not but I would attempt to get another his size...he’s pretty darn cool. The breeder is in Oregon.

Big Dude
by: Cody

I have a Male, he is constantly 77-80lbs. He is not overweight. We ride xc mntn bikes regularly in the hills of NB. We walk, daily on a 5-7k of leash loop and never gets out of the pool her at home. My vet says he is overweight. I shaved him and he is not a chunky dude, all the right signs of normal weight. His paws are massive. He is solid solid like a Mat Fraser. I saw one comment from a farmer saying he has a large Male. The vet has me thinking he is off breed but he is all aussie. Anyway, not sure why I care. Mostly because an overweight vet is telling me my active dog and I are overweight. Anyway. Just frustrating every 6mnths at vet.

I completely understand this
by: Anonymous

I have an Aussie who has always been between 65-75 lbs and so many vets have asked me to have him lose weight, even though it’s obvious he’s much taller than most Aussies. His mom was huge and I honestly wondered if he was purebred at first until I saw all of the breeders purebred certifications. My Aussie is very active and always has been since I love taking him hiking and I live in the mountains. I’m from Tennessee and I got him from a breeder in Benton, Tn by the name of Lynn Roark. It’s been about 4 years since I got him from them, but I think he’s still breeding them. They live on a huge farm and the pups grow up running around with horses, working dogs, and more.

Also looking for large aussies!
by: Anonymous

I have a homestead and I can't seem to find any breeders with parent dogs that would be likely to produce a bigger HEALTHY litter. I have a female that I adore but she's not quite big enough to make the animals respect her. If there's anyone out there producing 75ish lb male puppies I would love to hear about them! As said by those before me, 75lb healthy, not overweight.

Big Aussies
by: Anonymous

Hi. We are based in London UK, our Aussie weighs between 48/50kg. He’s not fat, but is incredibly strong (pulls like a husky) very strong.

Are there any other large Aussies out there at this size. Not being snobby but he is pedigree from a top UK breeder.

I have one
by: Anonymous

I think I have an extra large Aussie ☝🏽 He is far bigger than any other Aussie I have met. He towers over them at 23.5 inches tall and the vet says our goal weight is 70 pounds. He is approx 60-65 pounds now. I noticed recently that he is really big for an Aussie. Vet said so too 🤷🏽‍♀️ Idk how I got this lucky. He is intact, was supposed to be a sire according to the lady I purchased him from.

Big Aussie
by: Anonymous

We have a male Aussie that is full grown and he weighs 95 pounds.

Large Aussie
by: Jerry

We have a full blood Aussie male that is a tri color, and he is right at 100 pounds and very healthy.

Accidentally got a big Aussie
by: Anonymous

I found a breeder in SC 5 years ago I only got to meet the father of my dog (not the mother) he stood at 5 ft 8 in on his hind legs around 70lbs healthy black tri. My dog was the only one left in the litter his papers read purebred, red tri, and he was an adorable poof ball. Well he takes up whole recliners, and our patio bench now! He’s saved me from a bear trying to get into our indoor outdoor patio through a hole where I was having a cigarette. My dog charged the bear turned tail ended up chasing the bear up our willow tree no injuries on either parties. My dog herds the deer out of our neighbors yards into the woods. He is laidback, friendly, gentle, and very obedient I literally hit the dog lottery with him other than his size!

Look for the bigger guy in the liter
by: Anonymous

My Aussie is between 70-75. My vet says he should be about 65-70 and others have said he’s perfectly healthy at 75. He gets in a lot of exercise and is also very tall so I think he’s just a bigger guy. He was the largest puppy in his litter and was almost double the size of the other pups. His mom was tall and lean and about 55 pounds and his dad was stocky and around 55 pounds as well. I don’t know how two 55 pound dogs made a 75 pound one but I suppose it’s possible to find a bigger Aussie if you just look for the bigger guy in the litter. I originally thought I wanted a smaller Aussie because I’m a smaller person and I was told by the breeder he would be 55 lbs but I don’t regret picking him out. He is a total teddy bear and my protector. Maybe if people start breeding the bigger guys in the litter we will see more like him!

Xtra Large
by: Garrett

Am I the only person who has an ultra large Aussie? Went to the vet yesterday and he's 97.6 pounds. Two and a half, super great shape, and loves to chase deer. Thanks

Worlds largest Aussie guaranteed.
by: Anonymous

So my black tri is pure bred, his dad is a show dog. And somehow this hunk weighs in at 138 lbs. He is healthy, his joints and ligaments are all healthy. He is twice the size of a traditional Aussie, and this makes it extremely hard to breed him because he is so big and no one seems to want their little girl getting pounced on by him. His stature is larger in every way, as far as standing broader and taller then all the German shepherds I trained for the police. He is super smart, knows hand sign commands, Romanian, German and English. And listens immediately. I never had to train him, he just wants to please and somehow knew it all despite me being his first and only owner (got him when his eyes were not even open) when he was 3mo I passed a blood clot and he saved my life. Kept pushing my head up, wouldn't let me fall out.. I would have died, needed open heart surgery to repair the damage. He has since saved me from seizures as well as 2 strangers who were left in the woods by their friends while seizing. Luckily we where walking by and he broke loose, which is the only times he doesn't listen to any commands. If someone is in trouble. I'd like to say he is a working dog, but he's awful around goats and cows. Service is his goal clearly. I am willing to breed him, for the right person. I reside in Idaho.

by: Anonymous

I have a 3 year old Aussie. He weighs 91 lbs.

Big Australian Shepherd
by: Anonymous

Me and my roommate have a 90 pound Australian Shepherd. Every vet we've brought him to said he's the biggest they've ever seen. He's not much taller than normal and may be a little longer than average but definitely thicker and wider than average.

My 80+ lb Registered Aussie
by: Cruz

He currently is 19" tall and 35lbs at 19 weeks old.

Large Aussies
by: Jeannie

I posted a comment awhile back about Harley being extra large. It made my day to see all the supersized Aussies. What’s funny is we purchased a pup from the same two parents of our big guy and got a small male Aussie. He’s beautiful a blue merle with blue eyes, Harley is a brown eyed black tri. Murray will most likely never get over 55 lbs. Harley at 85 lbs is still healthy, very active and a gentle happy dog. Murray is happy and healthy but is very guarded about strangers and other dogs. It just shows that you can never know what you will get for sure, even if you think you do.

56 lbs at 7 months
by: Anonymous

My boy is 7 months old and weighs 56 lbs, not overfed and very active. Should get as big as his dad (70 lbs) or more. Love it!

Working Dogs
by: Anonymous

My big girl came from a working ranch in OK she is 25" 75lbs. Many Australian Shepherds that come from these working lineages are much larger than what is measured by current breeder standards. This does not mean they are overweight or unhealthy. I think the contrary.

Australian Shepherd bitch weight
by: Anonymous

I have an Australian Shepherd bitch that is one year, two month old and she is 21" tall and weights 60 lbs. Not sure if she will get much bigger or not but got her from a breeder in western PEI. She is mostly muscle, very little fat. Would like to know when she should reach her full size.

Large Blue Merle Aussie
by: Anonymous

I have a male 8 month old blue merle Aussie. He's 24" and weighs 70lbs already. His paws are huge and he's very strong. We adopted him from a working farm around London, ON. He is not overweight at all and our vet expects that though his growth will begin to slow, he may still grow a bit more.

My Dog Poppy
by: Mary Brumgard

I have a female blue merle and she is not quite 9 months old and weighs about 65 lbs. She's very large. Her mama was a Minnie and daddy was a standard. She's not fat , vet said she's a healthy pup. She's just big. I just had her spayed! Hopefully she doesn't get any bigger!

Big dog
by: Anonymous

I find these comments comforting. I have a female red tri. She is at least 85 and maybe more now. Her neck is massive muscle she jumps from the back of my chairs to the floor with ease and is strong as an ox. I just saw her male litter mate and he is black tri at 85 pounds also. The entire litter minus one has natural docked tails too which is rare. Both of these dogs are on diet food but don't really eat much.

Researching big aussies
by: Anonymous

We have 2 Aussies that are female. One is 2.5 years old and weighs 47.8 pounds which seems normal. The other one is 1.5 years old and weighs 71.9 pounds. The vet said she may not be done growing yet. Oh my! They are both healthy, I just wish they would stop growing lol. The heaviest one jumped up on our bed and flopped down on me in the middle of the night. She slammed her head on my shin and caused quite a contusion. I am comforted to see we are not the only ones with a giant since most websites peg a female weight a lot lower than 71.9 pounds!

Big, Beautiful Aussies
by: Anonymous

Apollo is our first Aussie and is 3-1/2 years old. We adopted him from a farm in PA. He is really healthy, on home cooked meals and gets a good amount of exercise. He is 85 pounds and very strong, able to jump pretty high and could be an MVP professional soccer goalie any day of the week. Having had a Bernese Mountain Dog when Apollo was a puppy, he doesn’t look especially big to us, but when we see other Aussies we realize that he is quite a bit bigger than average. His DNA test claims he is 25% standard poodle, which my husband wasn’t especially happy about at first (haha!), but we wouldn’t trade our boy for the world. He’s one of a kind with huge personality.

Arlo the Aussie
by: Rick

I'm glad I found this place. I have a 4 yr old that weighs 82 pounds. I was worried he was abnormal. He's all muscle, and super fast. I didn't know Aussies could be this large. He's a black tri color.

People trying to stop the development of good animals.
by: Ron from bFAD farm

Had five Aussies. Smartest dogs I ever owned. My purpose for standard Aussies was that since I’m diabetic insulin dependent I needed a companion whose support bar I could grasp and if I was in danger he could protect me, support me, know when I was low, and bring me my needs. My dog did all that plus get me help when I needed it. My two females both were 22" weighing 50# and my alpha male was 24 and fluctuating 65 to 70#. When not in harness for support they would run and play on their 7 3/4 acre play ground when in harness it was all business. In July 2023 a vindictive person lied and reported me to the humane society on false pretenses, the first thing they did was to neuter all my dogs and since they couldn’t say they had received them for lack of care the took them to a neighboring state and advertised them as "these lovely 50# ladies need a new home, the owner died two days ago". I say all this because there’s forces out there who sabatoge the raising of good and holsom animals.

My big boy
by: Stacey

I have a 3 year old male black tri that weighs 97lbs. He gets so many compliments on how gorgeous he is. He’s very healthy and active.

My huge Aussie
by: Anonymous

My boy Arrow will be 5 in December. He is now a fully grown adult, stands right at 29 1/2 - 30 inches at the shoulders. He weighs right at 94 pounds. He was bred from a male about his size or a bit smaller, and a female that was above average across the board. I’m just wondering if anyone else out there has a GIANT Aussie 😂

Large aussie
by: Anonymous

I have a 2 year old female Aussie who stands 24 inches at the withers. 56 pounds, she does not look overweight, we can feel her ribs and the vet says she is overweight and we cut back her food and she is definitely hungry, I am gonna go back to her old amounts after seeing these posts.

I just assume the vet ignores size for what and looks at what the akc weight should be.

Bigger is better
by: Anonymous

I would see the Bigger Aussie out of state mostly. Usually working dogs. I am also interested in a large size to live out of state with a piece of property. I love the breed but would need a couple of bigger ones. Nothing wrong with the lager ones. Only people looking for apartment size or purse sizes would over look a larger puppy. Large dogs use to be LARGER! Now everything in breed small with a bunch of issues.

Good Luck on your search. 🐾🌺

Mine was large as well
by: Anonymous

Our boy went over the rainbow bridge and now we are looking for a large one as well but couldn't find one which is at least on the upper measurements of the standard and not so tiny.

XL Aussie
by: MrInventor

We had waited for a breeder to have puppies as we wanted a Blue Merle. I checked in with them one day just to stay in touch and they said they may have an "Oops". One of the males was out unknown with females and by the time they noticed you know what was in process. They stopped it but as they checked with ultrasound 10 days later they saw two little ones on their way.

When they were born there was one tri-color female and one Blue Merle male. We fell in love with the little guy immediately. When there are only two in the litter there isn't competition for resources. Our guy is beautiful and 74 lbs. I wish I could post a photo.

Big boo
by: Anonymous

We have a blue merle name Boo, that just turned 1yr old and weighs it at 75# and is not fat. I thought he was overweight so been careful not to over feed him he was weighing in at 70# and he trimmed up, must have been baby fat lol

Our pup is 5 months and already 16 kg
by: Anonymous

She‘s huge - her mother was a usual sized Aussie. Be interesting to see how big she is in a year!

My puppy
by: Rhonda Allen

I've got a Aussie puppy that's 4 mos old. He's a big boy. He's about 45/50lbs and still growing.

Super Large Female Aussie
by: Anonymous

I have an 18 month old Extra Large female Aussie. She is roughly 85 lbs. taller than my standard female who is 8 years old. We had no idea she would grow to be such a big dog. Her parents push cattle on a ranch in Idaho. My baby girl Dixie just grew and grew. She is an amazing dog, friendly, loyal, gentle, and a very strong desire to work. She is a solid dog and I adore her!

Big Girl
by: Anonymous

We have 2 females. We feel in love with the breed when we were gifted a mini. Unfortunately she got cancer at age 8 and passed three years ago. A month later I purchased a female who was not papered and sold as a mini. Unfortunately she was not a mini. She is 3 and weighs in at 47 pounds. We wanted to get a companion for her and saw an Aussie that was being being rehomed. She was 12 weeks when we got her 2 years ago. She quickly began to outgrow the other one. She now weighs in at a stealth 79 pounds. She is a beast that thinks she is a lapdog. It's a blessing to find out that there are other gentle giants out there. Our vet said he has never seen anything like her.

Extra large Aussies
by: Ron from bFAD Farm

After losing my five I acquired a pup from a family in Ohio. He is now 23 months old and helps me keep my animals in check. I saw him put a 150lb ewe on her back so fast I didn’t even have time to command him to stop. I say this to show it’s not the size that counts but the ability and knowledge. How ever again I do use a bar with him on his harness at times and just had to implement a longer bar.

My big boy
by: Anonymous

I have a tri color he weighs 102lbs very healthy, active, he’s 5 years old.

I like the big size
by: Ed

I have a solid black 10 month old male that weighs 80lbs. No, I don't live on a ranch, but I do have 2.5 acres that he plays on. He's absolutely gorgeous, and I love watching him run. Oh, he has no health problems.

Well crap
by: Anonymous

We got an Aussie earlier this year. Vet thought he was mixed with Malamute. Just got his DNA test back and he is 100% Aussie. He’s almost 7 mos old and weighs in around 60 lbs and 20" tall. No fat and ginormous paws. He is almost the same height as his older sister (not related) who is 3 yo. She looks like a typical Aussie in height and weight (she’s 45 lbs).

Big ones do exist. The vet expects he will top out around 100 lbs.

Very large Aussie
by: Noah

I’m really glad to see other people commenting on this topic. I got my guy from an Amish farmer who assured me he’s nothing but an Aussie. American Kennel Club says he’s 100% Australian Shepherd but his size is confusing.

His measurement to his shoulders from the ground is about 30 inches. His current weight is about 120-125 lbs. He’s not at all fat… just enormous. He dwarfs most of the German Shepherds we come across. The Vet is pretty stumped as well. I was wondering if he had some kind of genetic disorder because of how large he is for his breed. Maybe all that cow’s milk and red meat from the Amish just made him into an absolute unit of a dog. I’m less worried now.

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