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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Extra Winter Coat?

Should I put an extra coat on my 8 mo old Mini for yard play and walks?

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by: Wilda

where do you live, how cold does it get? I do in the early mornings for our walks, because they are coming out of a warm home and bed; don't want their bodies to go into shock. I also do it late at night for our walks, especially if its damp out. During the day I don't, we go in and out alot, and where I live it doesn't get so cold during the day. so it depends. if you do get a coat don't get a really heavy one, especially for play, because they could get overheated, they really only need a little extra layer to keep their body heat in.

extra coat? NO
by: Anonymous

Are you serious!? They are long/plush coated with good circulation they definately do NOT need coats unsless you want them to over heat! Im in southdakota and my 3 month old standard aussie doesnt need one and it gets -30 sometimes! Ask ur vet they will say the same as me!

Should my aussie need an extra coat
by: Shasta's Mom

Forget the blanket we put down for our aussie to sleep on - she chooses to sleep on the bare floor preferrably near the crack in the door to get cold air. She gets too hot very quickly when we play and pants so I don't think they need any covering outside at all.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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