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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Extremely Aggressive Australian Shepherd Has Attacked and Bitten People Many Times

So my fiancé has a 2-3 year old Aussie who is EXTREMELY aggressive towards me. The dog has bit me multiple times, chewing everything in sight, tried to attack my sister-in-law while she was holding my nephew, bit my brother and broke his arm.

I have a senior Lab that I refuse to let them be alone together for any amount of time as her dog will hurt him I think. Luckily, I can bring him to a friend's house. His wife and newborn love him and he loves them. What’s not to love about an older Lab?!

The aggression literally started when we moved into our new home. He has attempted to attack the neighborhood kids riding bikes past the house as he can jump the fence. It’s to the point I want him gone. He used to be a cool dude and he’s just snapped in the past 6 months and honestly all I see is him attacking one of the neighborhood kids and me losing everything.

Selfish, I know, but we just moved to northern Virginia and bought a house—the whole nine yards. My work is too intense and demanding for me to be constantly worried if the dog has destroyed our house, gotten out and attacked someone, etc. My fiancé is home every day as she can work remotely and she can’t even control him anymore.

Comments for Extremely Aggressive Australian Shepherd Has Attacked and Bitten People Many Times

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Biting Aussie
by: Anonymous

This is a very serious situation. I would have the dog thoroughly examined by a vet to make sure there are no physical issues behind the behaviour. Next, you could try working with a trainer to change the dogs behaviour. But I am going to say I agree that you should give the dog up. It’s behaviour has escalated to a very dangerous level, where someone could get seriously hurt and you could get sued. And the dog would then be put down.

Australian Shepard
by: Sheri

I'm in a very similar situation. Our Australian Shepherd's temperament has changed radically in the past 6 months we've had her (adopted from an animal shelter.) She came close to attacking a mother pushing a baby stroller past the house last summer. I cried for days. A friend of mine has a farm, just lost his dog to old age. I'm going to reach out to him and see if he wants her. His farm is large and I know she would be cared for and happy.

by: Anonymous

Not sure about the biting, but my 5-month-old standard Australian Shepherd does not like other people, when we go on walks she would bark and lunge, and we've socialized her a lot, but Australian Shepherds are a naturally protective breed. I would suggest every time that a person walks by, have her sit down or lay down and if she starts to bark or lunge, correct her, make sure to bring treats. This has done wonders for our Aussie, she is still a bit aggressive toward dogs, but with humans, she's getting comfortable enough to just reach out and sniff them. The biting though, you might have to contact a trainer, my Aussie is all bark and no bite. But good luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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