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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Fatty Tumors In Australian Shepherds

by Susan

Anybody else have trouble with fatty tumors in their Australian Shepherd? We have a female, she is a merle in color and has started having these tumors come up on her. I had a vet remove one—not cancer.

We feed her Diamond beef and rice. Any help would be a blessing.

Comments for Fatty Tumors In Australian Shepherds

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Fatty tumors
by: Rebecca

I would like to know more also. My red merle Aussie has multiple fatty tumors, some quite large. Have been reluctant to have removed yet. Should I?

Fatty Tumors
by: Sherry

Yes, my neutered male Jack, had an infiltrative lipoma ( not cancerous) removed from his left thigh 2 yrs ago along with a significant amount of muscle to get clear margins so hopefully, it won't grow back. It healed beautifully and you would never know he had that surgery the way he bounds around. This past Spring I noticed 2 more lumps near his rib cage on the same side. Fine needle aspirations showed regular lipomas at this point so nothing needed to be done at this point beyond monitoring.

Fatty tumors
by: Barb

My 12 yr old Bi colored Aussie started developing fatty tumors at 7-8yrs. I found that a few drops of oregano oil daily on his morning meal ( Wholesome grain free) caused the tumors to shrink. Am watching my 1 yr old Merle to see if she develops them.

Fatty tumor
by: Anonymous

Our red Merle male had a few fatty tumors. One of the was under his right arm. Our vet told us it was not a health issue unless it impeded his walking. It did finally cause him issues as it got very large. We had it removed, our boy was with the Vet for about 6 hours, released home to us and recovered easily and nicely. His other tumors never became an issue.

by: Anonymous

Lipomas tend to be benign and pose no threat as long as they are not impeding movement or pushing on nerves/blood vessels. I have a few since elementary school and they're no big deal. You usually get them thru genetics. Getting them removed is an in-and-out procedure for humans. I'm unsure with Aussies, though.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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