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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Fence Climbing

by Callie
(Sacramento, CA)

Our 18 month old Auusie is a wonderful family dog. Everyone, I repeat, everyone loves her with one exception: the neighbors previously abused, vicious Pit Bull. We have a six foot fence separating our yards but she clears it in no time. She has visited their yard already (their dog was indoors at the time). My neighbor is panicking. Their Pit has attacked other dogs before and who can blame her for destroying an intruder who appears over the fence!

We keep our dog indoors now and let her out only when supervised but it is terrible to have to keep her in a crate during the day and only outside for a romp once or twice. I take her to the dog park when I can, but I want to find another way.

We have an electric fence but are having trouble setting it up. Do these work? Can an Auusie be trained to not jump the fence? Also, we have a huge squirrel population here and she ricochets off the fence to get to them.

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electric fence
by: Anonymous

By all means, get that electric fence wire in place. It could save your dog's life.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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