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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

First Aussie

by Smagee

I am getting an Aussie on Jan4, 2011...

I am going to see her tomorrow Dec 26th for the first time with her parents.

I am looking forward to having her! And I want to train her. I noticed this site recommends two books, which I am sure is good, but I was also wanting to know some information, like if we want to teach her to run with us on a leash and stuff like that. Does anyone know if that is in the book.

Or any specific training for Aussie breed.

We have two huskies now that she will be joining...

Comments for First Aussie

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by: Anonymous

Aussies are smart you need to do gentle training and I bike my Aussie and he picked that up very quickly I waited until he was almost a year though, to much stress on their joints can be bad. Good luck

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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