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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

First Few Weeks With a New Australian Shepherd Puppy—Tips?

by Gena
(Idaho, USA)

Hello, in a couple weeks I am getting my first Australian Shepherd pup...

What are some tips for when I first get her?

How quick should I introduce trick training?

At what age should I start beginners agility? (Looking to do that on a low key level as a way to channel her energy and for exercise.)

What are some of your favorite tricks to teach Aussie pups, and how do you teach them?

Or anything else you have to tell me about Aussies and what I should know...


Comments for First Few Weeks With a New Australian Shepherd Puppy—Tips?

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New Puppy Care
by: Anton

Congratulations Gena! It's so exciting getting a new puppy.

You can start with this article on the site...

New Puppy Care: Getting Off to a Great Start With Your Australian Shepherd Puppy

At the end of that artcle there are several other "Related Articles" with even more information.

Good Luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Have Dog Training Questions?

Check out these introductory dog training videos...

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I want some help training my new puppy.

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I want my dog to walk nicely and calmly on the leash.

I want my dog to listen and come every time I call!


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