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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Flea And Tick Chemical Products, Frontline, Fipronel—Do You Use It?

by Dana Mcgee
(Saugatuck, Mi & Chicago Il.)

I really need your help with names of people who have used the preparation from Frontline, Fipronel. I have your article "Flea and Tick Protection Severe Allergic Reaction," written by Julie in Ohio. Please contact me Anton so that I can get some information from you. Thanks, Dana.

Note from Anton: Hi Dana, I can't give out the names of people who post (beyond the information they include in their posts) due to our privacy policy. Another article you might want to check out is "MDR1 Gene Mutation Causes Dangerous Sensitivity To Trifexis And Ivermectin For Dogs." Hopefully you will get replies from people here and you can also post your question on our Facebook page.

Comments for Flea And Tick Chemical Products, Frontline, Fipronel—Do You Use It?

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Flea & Tick Products
by: Anonymous

Yes my one Aussie, Rudy, got seizures from Frontline Plus. He is on a low dose of Phenobarbital now and is doing well. You can send for a test to do on your Aussie from Animal Genetics in Tallahassee Florida. They have a web site and if you go on it and order they will send you the items you need to do the MDR1 test for the missing gene. It's only $55 and well worth it. All you have to do is swab their mouth and the test is done. Then send it in with the $55 and they will let you know the results. It doesn't take very long at all. If you want to know anything else my email address if and my name is Nancy. Good Luck!!

Avoid the chemicals if you can
by: Anonymous

I live in south Florida but am concerned about the side effects of any chemicals that my dogs must injest or absorb through their skins. I know you aren't asking for alternatives, but I'm going to tell you what I do anyway :-) Flea comb every night before bed, vacuum twice weekly, put nematodes in the yard, put a little food-grade diatomaceous earth on the dogs if I find a flea, use approved herbal spray repellent if going for a walk in woods (use sparingly). When I get a new foster dog, I do give that dog Capstar, which immediately kills fleas on the dog... but it lasts only about one day. Lufenuron appears to be a safer choice if you do use chemicals. It doesn't kill fleas but kills their offspring. The heartwormer SENTINEL contains milbemycin oxime and lufenuron, and is a good choice.

Frontline, Fipronel poison,will kill your dog
by: Anonymousdama ,mcgee

My beautiful Aussie now dead used Frontline Plus the drug Fipronel is an insecticide and destroys their neuro system, so in doing to destroys the animal it is put upon. Let me hear from you write to me and give your email no, and I will return your mail thanks dana

answer - Julia-Ohio Dec 2013 "Flea and Tick Protection .severe allergic Reaction
by: dana mcgee

I have read your article which was excelllent. My comment is posted for Feb 2915, the Frontlie plus, which is a insecticide Fipronel, works by killing the neuro system on the flea and in doing so affects the neuro system on dogs and cats. They react by having seizures, neuro problems, lethnargy, loss of appetite, my dog had all that and more, Kidney failure and died. I have read a lot of reviews and they are all the same. Contact me as we are getting a group together and would like you to join with us. thanks and let me hear from you dana

Flea treatments
by: Lori S

Haven't used Frontline on my aussie (thank the lord for your comments or we could have). At the suggestion of my vet had my aussie on Trifexis for 8 months so issues until last month when she became very lethargic. We live at the beach and going to have to used something any suggestions???

Frontline/Frontline Plus Side Effects
by: Nancy

We are trying to get a group of people together to fight to get Frontline off the market and quit killing and harming our dear pets (many Aussies). Please go to our Facebook Page, Frontline/Frontline Plus a Neuro-Toxic Poison and post your story. If you haven't had any problems with it being on your pet, please just go to the page and like it. We need help to stop this company. We appreciate it and so does your pet. Thank You.

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