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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Flea and Tick Medicine

by Debbie

Is K9 Advantix safe for my Aussie? I have heard that certain medicines are poison for them and I was wondering if this was one of them. What would be a good alternative?

Comments for Flea and Tick Medicine

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Flea and tick meds safe for aussies
by: Ellen

We use Frontline Plus. It's fine for the dogs and there is no problem. There are many meds that are toxic. Have your dog tested for MDR1 gene.


by: Anastasia

The best solution is to ask a dog expert about K9 Advantix and to find out if it is safe to use or not.

Flea/Tic medication for Aussies
by: Anonymous

I agree you should work with your vet, but not all vets are aware of Aussies sensitivities to Ivermectin.

by: Jill

Please have your dogs tested for the MDR 1 gene.
you can go online and look up this and get a list of drugs Aussies can be sensitive to,of course NO ivermectin ever!!!

Note from Anton: Here is a link with more info about Problem Drugs

My MDR1 dog had paralysis from Frontline
by: Wendy

I thought Frontline was wonderful until my dog at age 8 months had a paralysis of her hind leg from it. Just a note, if you use flea preventatives consider that they are effective against fleas for 90 days yet tell you to reapply every 30 days.

With that, I'm eager to find out if anyone with an MDR1 positive dog has found a safe alternative, I've tried herbal sprays, herbal drops, flea combe, shampoos, Program, etc. My poor little girl is allergic to fleas and suffering.


My MDR-1 Positive Aussie
by: B.Tracy

My Aussie is MDR-1 positive and I found out the hard way when she was a puppy. However, she is one year old now and I have safely used Trifexis on her for several months. I buy it for a larger dog out of Australia and cut the pills to cut down on the cost.

I do need help with a tick repellent. I am training her in search and rescue and the ticks are horrible right now. Advice?

reply re:mdr1 gene
by: Anonymous

I have 2 aussies. One of them was tested as normal/mutant by WSU vet school. Up until now, the dog is currently 6 yrs. old he has always been given interceptor. That drug is no longer available nor is sentinel another safe drug for him.

WSU tells me that I can give him small doses of those drugs containing ivermectin which from everything I know is not acceptable. My vet told me I could try topical Revolution. Reading the side affects of that drug causes some dread on my part. Have any of you used Revolution with an mdr positive aussie and if so were there any side effects.

by: Anonymous

I used Revolution on my Sheltie and he had very bad side affects! He became lethargic, dilated pupils, shaking. The flea preventative I use now is Program which is a monthly pill. I use Interceptor for heartworm (which was discontinued so now I'm up in the air about what to do) and there isn't a safe tick preventative I have found.

Trifexis adverse reaction
by: Lori S

Had my 2 year Aussie on for about 8 months no issues . Then last month she became very lethargic for 2 days, decided not to give it to her anymore. Any suggestion on flea treatments that are safe? We live at the beach and have to something just not sure what!!!

by: Robyn

It says on most sites that the heart worm preventive drugs Revolution is NOT SAFE for dogs who may have the MDR1 gene. Read people, before giving your dog medication.

Advantage Multi
by: Anonymous

Advantage MULTI and MULTI only is safe for MDR1 Aussies.

MDR-1 positive with bad tick problem!
by: Lori

I have my Aussie on Advantage Multi for HW prevention but am having a horrible time with ticks! What can’t I use for ticks?! Argh

I meant: what can I use for tick prevention or treatment.
by: Lori

I meant: what can I use for tick prevention or treatment.

Oral flea and tick meds for Aussies
by: Anonymous

My vet has Aussies and gave my Aussie Credelio. So far so good.

by: Anonymous

Had a very bad reaction with my Sheltie. Very Scary

Aussies flea meds
by: Anonymous

I used Advantix on both my Aussies. I was told it’s safer than edible drugs.

I would not use Trifexis
by: Anonymous

Maybe since other people have posted that they use Trifexis information has come to light, but my understanding is that Trifexis is not safe to use on Aussies or other breeds prone to MDR1 genetic mutation.

Close Call with Frontline Gold
by: Genie E.

Our 8 month old Mini Australian Shepherd was on Frontline Gold from 8 weeks to 7 months. At 7 months, he suffered neurological issues, rear leg weakness and walking down the hallway, leaning against the wall the whole way. This was less than 24 hours after application. He woke up that night crying and I thought he was dreaming. I scrubbed his back with Dawn dish detergent. 12 hours later and after a trip to the vet, he recovered with no evidence of previous symptoms. That was a close call. Never again. No other reason to think it was anything else. No recent hard playing as it had been too hot.

Deer tick control
by: Anonymous

I just adopted an 8 yo Aussie. We live in an area where deer ticksare rampant and carry Lyme disease that can be very dangerous for dogs and humans. There is so much conflicting information even from professionals. The treatments mostly speak to flea infestations and don't mention ticks. This week I found two ticks on my dog and we check him daily. Any valid information is appreciated. All my vet suggested was natural sprays but I wasn't given a specific recommendation.

Flea med for Aussie
by: Teresa Petrocelli

I've had 3 Mini Aussie's and used K9 Advantix II on all of them. I've never had any problems with it at all.

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