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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Fleas And Ticks? Help! Anyone Have Any Reviews On The Seresto Flea And Tick Collar?

by Courtney
(Deland, Florida, USA)

I’ve noticed lately that my Aussie has been itching more than normal and I saw scab forming on his lower back. I use flea and tick spray and check him regularly since we are avid dog park visitors and I haven’t spotted anything in his fur or on his skin.

I’ve been considering getting a Seresto flea and tick collar just in case because he is difficult with taking the prescribed medicine from the vet.

Would anyone have any reviews on the collar or maybe any experience with this issue?

The vet recently saw him and we have had no mention of issue with fleas but I believe he may be getting bug bites since we live in a muggy area of Florida.

Comments for Fleas And Ticks? Help! Anyone Have Any Reviews On The Seresto Flea And Tick Collar?

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No fleas
by: Jcrply

If your pup is not infested with fleas, I don't think you should subject him to pesticides. That's what the prescription meds are, that's what flea collars contain, and that's what gets absorbed into the dog's body. The scabby areas could be from some other type of irritation. One way to treat the areas is with povidone iodine, brand name Betadyn. You dilute it with water until it's about the color of iced tea. You sponge it on the scabby areas. You can follow up with a wet washcloth to rinse most of it off or just leave it since it is non-toxic. An alternative is apple cider vinegar. Both are soothing and cleansing and usually helpful with a lot of different skin issues.

No fleas
by: Wilson

It’s worked well for us. I recommend it. We replaced it about 3 weeks early because I’m so afraid of getting fleas in all this thick dense hair.

This is our second collar first spring and summer.

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