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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Following In His Paws

by Dwayne Carrick
(Lexington, N.C. USA)

On September 18, 2010 I lost the best thing ever happened to me. My 2 1/2 yr old Aussie BO. He went every where I went. I took him to work with me every day. I work on rental property so he was loved by all my tenants. He would go into Lowes and carry things for me to the register blowing peoples minds. He loved everybody and everybody loved him. He would sit behind me in my truck and hang out the window so I put his name on the door. It was funny. I would watch people at stop lights look at him and say his name.

I have a horse farm so he was a huge help. He always worried about me when I wouldn't let him help me feed. I loved this dog to death and always will even though he is gone.

On Sept the 18 at 12:30 he was fine but at 4:00 he was dead. I will never know what killed him. He was up on all shots and on Heart Guard, the picture of health. He was so well loved he had a tomb stone donated to him. I go to his grave everyday, talk to him and bend down and kiss his grave. Now the good news!

The very next day my girlfriend found me another Aussie on CraigsList. I really didn't want to fill his spot this fast but I did it anyway. The lady heard what happened and told me to come pick one out and pay when I could. I picked out my new little girl when she saw me crying and she came up to me and jumped up on me and licked me. She is all puppy but beautiful. I named her Baby. She is a blue merle. Well we have been together since September 19.

She has learned to sit perfect by verbal or hand signals. She loves fetching the ball and last Saturday caught her first frisbee. Today was the day I have been waiting on though. I take her to work with me just like Bo and everybody has ask me when are you going to teach her to carry stuff to the register. I told them I didn't know if that would ever happen again.

Well today I grabbed a bag and started to walk and I felt it slip out of my hand. I looked down and guess where it was? Baby had it in her mouth and headed to the register. All the employees were coming out of the isles to see her. The store manager saw her coming and he had a tear in his eye heck everybody had a tear in their eye. You could feel Bo's spirit fill the store. It was like he was paying a visit from heaven. I know I will see him again one day on the other side running through green pastures. Until then I got a great lil girl filling his paws.

Comments for Following In His Paws

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still lrsrning.
by: Wilda

I'm learning that Aussies can and or arE allergic, and are sensative to alot of drugs out there, even to flea and tick ones. Maybe tHat's what happened. ItS so terribly sad, that one so young, and full of lfe, and bringing so much joy could be taken so needlessly. If I were you, I would research the meds,before the same thing hapPens to your new baby girl. God Forbid!
Even when we do the neccessary drugs as a pup we go to a holistic dr., who does it gradually, and gives us detox to eliminante any unneccessary reactions to his system. we also only do them the first year, and of course the rabbies, by law, but even that is done is smaller doses. My Luke, suffered from epilepsy, so we wer able to get him exempt, after awhile, and my old girl as well, because of her age. Lots to consider, not so black and white the ways some vets want you to think. I had four neigbors, whose dogs all dies at age 7 from different cancers. coincidence? I don;t think so.
Anyway, I wish you the best, and pray a long and healthy life for you and your girl

by: Anonymous

Truly amazing. I lost my beloved Sasha a year ago and there will never be another Aussie like her. She was a special St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog to special needs and Alzheimers patients and a great companion to me and my other Aussie Brody. Brody and I are carrying on, with agility as he is a little too hyper for therapy dog work, but we both miss her still.
Sue & Brody

congratulations on your new girl
by: Sandy Courtney

Thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I are retired, and thought long and hard about bringing a new member in to our family at our age, especially an active Aussie, but our Stevie, also a beautiful blue merle with blue eyes, joined the household in December 2008. Stevie is the best thing that has happened to us in years, and brings joy and extra purpose to our lives every day. We are so happy that this wonderful companion came in to our lives. I remember reading your comments about Bo, and hope you will find many years of companionship with your new sidekick.

by: Aussie Lover

Dwayne, So soory for your loss! I, too, lost my boy, he was 9, so we had many good years.I will prob' cry daily for the rest of my life.

I wonder if Bod had a heart murmur? They are showing up more & more in Aussie's. A friend just got a 2 yr. old female, tooke her to vet to be spayed & vet called: "You can come pick your dog up, she has a level 4 heart murmur, surgery would kill her." Yet, the dog appears to be the picture of health!

Good luck!

by: Wilda

wow, what an awesome story. Isn't God good? He knows what we need and when. He dries our tears in ways we wouldn't expect, like bringing us little Aussies(wether standard, mini or toy) and gives us gifts us laughter and pure joy. I'm so happy for you, enjoy her, and your memories of your boy.
We had a standard, and lost him sept 11 of this year.He was 5years old, and suffered from epilespy. He is the reason we got Cooper, now, a toy Aussie. I missed my luke so much,he was my first experience with Aussies, and I love the breed! Cooper may be a toy, and only 4 months old, but he is all boy, and all Aussie. We love him already. Somtimes I call him my court Jester, he can be such a clown, and such a funny face.

Awesome story
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for sharing your story. These Aussies will wiggle their way into your heart in a way no other dog can. They are amazing loveable dogs who I like to think are gifts from God to teach humans how we should treat each other. My husband and I got 2 blue merle sisters last year. They are just a year now. They are a handful for us senior citizens but we love every minute. My husband has Parkinson's and fights depression. I knew that Aussies would help and they have. We love our "Zoli" and "Mya". I've had Aussies for many years and they all are so very smart and devoted to family. Like you, I know we will all meet again. Thank you again for your great story. I wish you good luck and enjoy your "Baby".
Marie Vallejo

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