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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Food Schedule

by Jane Coker
(League City, Texas)

How often and what should I be feeding a 9 week old Austrailian Shepherd?

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by: Debbie

you should call your vet and ask them....Personally I feed mine 2 times a day...once in the morning and one in the evening and only puppy food for one year. Read the back of your food and see if it tells you how much. Mine is not a big eater. You could leave food out all day and she will take a bite now and then. Due to the fact I have another dog that will eat it..i do not leave food out...only at feeding times. Good luck with your new puppy. I love mine...she will be 1 in June.

Food schedule
by: Anonymous

I feed mine 3 times per day until she was 6 months old, then twice daily.

Food schedule
by: Anne

Puppies that young should be fed 3 Xs a day. You feed puppy food as it has a higher concentration of protein for growing puppies.

Find a food that has the main ingredient as BEEF, CHICKEN, LAMB, or TURKEY. Not a chicken by product or meal and not corn meal. Corn meal is the main ingredient in a lot of dogs's cheap to make & sell. I feed Purina One. But please READ the labels. Next time you are in Wal-Mart or the grocery store READ the labels. It will suprise you.

Anne C.
Gold Ring Aussies

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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