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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Formerly Fearless Australian Shepherd Now Afraid And Skittish

by Ann

My 20 month old Australian Shepherd girl has suddenly (last 2 weeks) become afraid of noises. She's skittish. No change in routine or food. Nothing has changed. For example I snapped shut a Tupperware container and she scrambled into her crate. Also some times during the day she sleeps behind a big chair almost like she's hiding. When she was in training the trainer said she was a dominant female and fearless. Now she seems to be afraid. Is this a phase? Any suggestions on how to treat? Or just ignore and hope she outgrows it.

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Formerly fearless aussie now afraid and skittish
by: Ann

Update: in the last two days, she is now not listening to any commands, not coming and almost like she is afraid of us! She shrinks away when we try to pet her. If we didn't know better you would think she had been abused. This pup is a star with her intelligence knowing what she's supposed to be doing and understanding what we want. Always been trained using positive training methods. I'm heartsick.

Formerly Fearless
by: Anonymous

It seems to me that some dogs change a bit as they mature. But, this seems extreme and sudden from what you wrote. And, it sounds like it is worsening. Have you had her checked by a veterinarian?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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