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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Frannie Named After St. Francis

by Stephanie
(Loogootee, IN, USA)

Frannie May

Frannie May

We had an ice storm Thanksgiving 2003 in Southern Indiana. No one and nothing was moving that day. But for some strange reason my neighbor's dog was barking at something behind my hot tub. She wouldn't quit so I put on my snow boots and headed outside to see what all the fuss was about.

There I found a sick and disabled dog lying in her own vomit. After a quick and careful examination, I realized her leg was broken. I also realized that what I thought was a baby calf on the hill behind us the day before, was actually this dog. It made me ill to think she lay up there with ice on her all that time. Somehow she made her way to warmth, the heat coming off my hot tub and dryer vent. Luckily I have a neighbor who is a veterinarian.

He came down to take a look at her. He concluded that she was poisoned and probably tossed out a moving vehicle. After weeks of doctoring her and trying to gain her trust (she still does not like men) I was able to nurse her back to health.

I did post an ad in our local paper as well as at our veterinarian offices for her owner, not knowing if she was abused by them or someone else had gotten a hold of her. After no response, I decided to take her to get spayed because the last thing I needed was puppies. To my surprise she had already been fixed.

I ended up falling in love with her and her with me. I'm not sure why I always find the injured animals and birds, but I do so I named her Frannie after St. Francis. Everyone tells me how lucky she was to find me. I quickly correct them saying that I was indeed the lucky one.

Comments for Frannie Named After St. Francis

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Fran says you're a saint!
by: Fran

My name is animal lover too as I share the name of St. Francis - the patron saint of the animals! I think you're a saint in your own way! Be happy and blessed, both of you!

by: Nancy

She is a beauty and you are incredibly blessed to have found this precious gift. God bless you for loving her... I am certain you are receiving that love returned to you tenfold!

Beautiful Girl
by: Mary Ann

What a beautiful girl and wonderful story. Truly you have both been blessed!

In awe..
by: Aussie Mom

What a touching story. I'm so glad Frannie found you...and you her! I'm always in awe when in the presence of angels. Bless you!

by: Anonymous

She is such a beautiful dog, how could anyone have gotten rid of her...?

A legacy of caring
by: Robert

It is so right that you named your Aussie with St. Francis in mind, who saw in caring for God's creatures just one more way to express love for our... and their... Creator.
Well done rescue, for Frannie's sake!

I know what you mean
by: Christina

I found an Aussie that had been abused, but like you I also feel that she found me in a dire time of need. Her name is Sadie and I call her Sadie Mae. She also doesn't like men and I think she was thrown out of a car also, first because of where I found her and also because she just panics when she has to go in the car. She is a one person dog and clings to me like you couldn't believe. I call her my lifesaver.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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