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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Pat
(Johnstown, PA)

We rescued Freckles from a shelter when she was barely old enough to be adopted out. Someone had left her out along the road, on a very cold fall day. I had gone to the shelter, with no particular breed in mind, but feel in love with the little fluff ball on sight. She is now 4 1/2 years old, and we love her to death. I'm not 100% sure that she is 100% Aussie, but I do know most of her is. She is quite the character, with a unique personality that I love. (She is convinced that she is not a dog at all, but a human being, so we humor her on that.)

Comments for Freckles

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by: Laura

Freckles and my dog, Oz, could be related. For a second, i actually thought the picture of her WAS Ozzie. What a sweetie!

by: Pat

We love her to bits. I love seeing all the Aussies on here.

What a Rescue!
by: Meg

It makes me so sad to hear that people do that and so happy for people like you!!! She has such sweet eyes! My pup thinks he is a gazell or something!! haha he runs and leaps everywhere! When he is older I want to do agility with my little leaper! =-)

by: Wendy

What a sweet dog!! How could anyone ever dump a dog like that. She must be very happy now she has you.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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