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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Frisbee Freak

by Scott

We rescued a seven year old Aussie and he is just the sweetest. My question is; every time we are out he has to catch frisbee and I think he would do it until he dropped from exhaustion.

I am limiting him to about 12-15 catches anytime we go out. Do I have to limit him and will he "play" until he actually does damage to himself?

I have never met a dog so fixated on one thing, he can be fast asleep and all I say is "frisbee" and he is running towards the back door.

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Sometimes They'll Go 'Til They Collapse
by: Anton

Hi Scott, Yes they will push things too far. It's a good idea to keep an eye on them and sometimes limit the amount of exercise. Here's an article on the site about Exercise Induced Collapse Vs. Border Collie Collapse in Australian Shepherds. It also touches on Exercise Induced Hyperthermia and heat stroke.

by: Carol

Our Trip just quits when she has had enough. However when it is hot out I limit her to very very early morning and then only a few throws. Maybe 8 or 9
I guess it really depends on the dog and watching for signs of fatigue. I think you have it just about right. Also every time we are outside we are also throwing something. LOL

I have one too
by: Anonymous

My girl is OBSESSED with her frisbee. She would play frisbee for hours if I let her. I usually just throw it for her until she is breathing really heavy, then I let her take a break. Usually she lays down for about 3-5 minutes and then is ready to go again. I will throw it for her a couple more times and then call it good.

Sometimes it’s hard to stop because they look so cool when they jump up to catch it! They are such amazing dogs!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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