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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Get Another Aussie?

by Tara

Hello, me and my husband have a 10 month old Aussie named Saige. We recently ran into the gal we got her from and turns out her mom had another litter of puppies. My husband wants to get one of the males. I am unsure of this just because Saige already plays with the neighbor dog EVERY day and I am not quite sure how Saige will handle having a puppy around. Will the new puppy learn from her or push her back from her training? I'm not sure what to do... Does anyone have any advice?

Thank You!!!

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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Two Aussies?
by: Nonnie / Dee Cutshall

We have two female Aussies. They are half-sisters, two weeks apart. We got Bailee at 10 weeks. She is a fantastic girl but she is very active and playful. Four weeks later we got Maggie.

They absolutely love each other. They play all the time.

So, I am partial to two. You will probably have to work with Saige to "be gentle, it's a baby". We also added a Maltese to the mix a year ago. I'm still not comfortable with letting Bailee and Sugar play for very long AND always with complete supervision. Bailee weighs 30 lbs at two years old to Sugar's 9 lbs at one year. When we first brought Sugar home we taught Bailee the "gentle" command and also "down low". This is to mean down with added gentleness, rolling over on her back, etc. It took some work. If Sugar was a hardier type dog it would have gone faster.

Good luck. Let us know what you decide.

Get another aussie?
by: Anonymous

I believe that you should not have just one dog. However, introducing a pup might not work because of the difference in size. The older one might hurt the pup by being too rough, etc. I got 2 pups at the same time and it worked out great even though the experts say not to do this.

Get another
by: Anonymous

I have a deaf Aussie and a Border Collie, they are 4 months apart. Aside from issues surrounding the deaf pup's ability to understand doggie body language and not hearing Sophie's growls of correction, they love playing together. About 4 months ago my nephew moved in and brought a 6 week old pit bull male pup in. The two girls took on a mothering/sisterly role and are very gentle with him and very tolerant. He only weighed about 5 pounds and they were both over 40. Yet they seemed to instantly understand he's a baby and were very tolerant and accepting of his puppy antics. Maeve, my Aussie, and he are best buddies while Sophie acts as the disciplinarian of both. Maeve even lets him climb on her and nip her ears and she gently shakes him off when she's had enough. The three are getting along wonderfully - definitely get another your first Aussie will thank you!

by: Anonymous

They say not to get a second puppy until your first has all of its training and good behavior set in stone. I would wait a little, until your first Aussie grows up a little more, and then get a new puppy, so you first Aussie has more bonding time with you, and will learn more, get more mature, so your second Aussie can learn only good behaviors from your first dog.
But it really is up to you, and since Aussies are so smart, if you really want it to work, you WILL be able to teach your Aussie(s) what you want from them. Good luck!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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