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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Getting A Young Pup Or Older?

We are looking into getting a Mini Aussie – household of 2 adults and a six-year-old. The breeder has a 10-month old neutered male available or we can wait for the next litter of pups. Any experience with getting an older pup? Or questions I should ask of the breeder in making this decision? Thank you.

Comments for Getting A Young Pup Or Older?

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Older pup?
by: Anonymous

There are a few questions I would like answered if it were me (not that this would necessarily put me off an older puppy but at least you go in with your eyes open):

why is the pup available? did it get sent back to the breeder for any reason? was it neutered by the breeder (why?) or by previous owner (again why?);

was the puppy socialised from an early age (the big window of learning opportunity is past and this may mean extra work for new owners)? how does he get along with other dogs/people.

An older pup may be harder at first if problems have to be sorted out but it can also be so much more rewarding giving him a loving home.

Something to think about
by: Anonymous

I'd go with the older pup if you have met him, and like him and think he is a good match for your family. I'd ask, or be sure he is housetrained, if not, why not? is it a physical problem, behavoiral? etc.; also is he crate trained (if that's something that you need him to be) and leash walking trained.
puppies are sooo cute, but require s much more time, effort and patience; and you really don't know the personality until later (at least 4 or 5 months old). I only say all this because we recently went through it. our cute, sweet seemingly mellow pup, turned out not to be so mellow after a few months, and between the house training and the teething, it has been quite an ordeal at times. We love him, but I think we should have gotten an older girl (since we already have a 2 year old boy). live and learn, as they say... wish you the best... be happy, and enjoy whichever way you go.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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