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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Hankster Almost Two Years Old

I purchased Hank from a woman in Maine, after losing my last Aussie to cancer in nasal cavity. He was 14. I thought I could never love another as my heart was broken.

Hank is the most loving affectionate smart playful pup . I couldn’t have asked for a better dog.

I am a dog groomer in MA, and Hanks job is he is the greeter to my clients entering for the day. We are a cage free grooming saloon and Hank loves to play with whoever would like to join him. He’s an absolute joy.

Carolyn S.

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Robert W
by: Carolyn S

Thank you Robert for writing, I just ordered the book and am in search for a holistic Vet as we just moved.
God bless and thank you for for feed back

Nasal cancer
by: Robert Weiland

I am so sorry for your loss of your Aussie to nasal cancer. Might I suggest you find a holistic vet. My 2 1/2 year old Aussie has had terrible scabs and bleeding on his nose. The history of it was traced back to his bordetella nasal injection. He has been on a raw food diet (northwest naturals) for about 6 months and it seems to be clearing up. It took my holistic vet to figure this out. We are being duped into over vaccinating our pets. This could be the cause of your beloved pets cancer. May I suggest reading "What Vets Don't Tell Us About Vaccinations" Very informative. My Three Aussies now get a titer blood test before I will line the pockets of Big Pharma for un needed boosters and vaccinations. God Bless and good luck with your new baby Hank.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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