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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Heartworm Med Intolerance, Help Please

by Christine
(Marietta, GA)

Aspen is a 10 year old female red merle Aussie (with pink skin and a lot of white in her coat). I rescued her when she was 5.

She and I are very close and I keep very close contact with her on a daily basis to observe her well being.

I have had a BIG STRUGGLE with heartworm meds for her. Ivermectin (heartguard, etc.) were bad, but TriFexis caused her to have multiple side effects including seizures, pretty severe spine and join pain, strange mental confusion, stumbling and abdominal problems.

I thought my dog was aging way to fast, so I took her off Trifexis for the winter, and all of her symptoms went away, and she's bouncing around like a puppy again!!! AMAZINGLY SO!!!

This leaves me sad to have to put her on meds again for the hot weather. I am truly afraid because I am not seeing any heartworm meds that don't list seizures as one of the side effects.

I'm not finding a clear answer to what the safest treatment might be for this breed of dog (as they are sensitive to these chemicals).

My vet just gave me Revolution to try for 3 months today. I got home with it and read the side effects online, and it also lists seizures as a side effect.

I'm stumped???

Can ANYONE please guide me on this?

Chris & Aspen (Please let me know if/when you respond, so I can view the answer to this important question.)

Comments for Heartworm Med Intolerance, Help Please

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Your Aussie and Seizures
by: Nancy

Please don't give your dog any flea and tick meds either. They all have chemicals in them and after awhile they do cause seizures. It's heartbreaking to see your Aussie have a seizure. It's not only the Invertmin but other chemicals as well that cause seizures. Supposedly some dogs have a factor in their blood that causes them to react to these chemicals. Our one Aussie started having seizures from Frontline Plus last July. He is on phenobarbital now (a very low dose) and so far is doing well. He has not had a grand mal seizure for quite a few months now. So please don't give any chemicals to your Aussie.

Revolution for heartworm
by: Anonymous

I was told by the vet to use Revolution, which they did not carry, so it wasn't just to sell me something. I was told that it did not have Ivermectin, which I have used in the past on non-Aussie dogs. I order it on-line.

I have been using it with my 4 year old dog for several years and have no bad effects. She did have a reaction to HeartGuard Plus prescribed by a pet store vet.

Heartworm Meds
by: Anonymous

Please DO NOT give any heartworm or flea and tick meds to your Aussie. If that heartworm med gave your Aussie seizures, others will too. You can find out if your Aussie is missing a gene that causes seizures by going online and getting a test done called MDR1 The cost is $55 and well worth it. The place is called Animal Genetics and it's in Tallhahassee Fl. They will send you a kit to test your Aussie and then you have to take a mouth swab (very easy). When you send it in with the money they will send the results to you. It can be found online and you can get the test kit that way. Our Rudy is doing well now. He was a very sick boy after we gave him Frontline Plus. Never again. Our vet told us that he doubts our dogs would get heartworm as their fur is so thick. We do watch them carefully though. Good luck with your Aussie. They really are the best dogs.

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