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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Heartworm Medicine Can Cause Blindness In Certain Bloodlines Of Aussies!

by Lori
(OFallon, MO)

Heartworm medicine can cause blindness in certain bloodlines of Aussies! - we had not given our Aussies heartworm medicine and finally decided it was something we needed to do. After the normal testing they were cleared to start their medicine. Within days of starting TRIFEXIS our red Aussie became totally blind in both eyes.

We took her to the Ophthalmologist and was told certain blood lines of Aussies and Collies have a gene that lack the enzymes to be able to break down the medicine correctly, and therefore causing her blindness. My vet didn't know of this but come to find out there is a simple test they could have done to test checking for this gene prior to starting the medicine.

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Thank you
by: Kelli St. Peter's MO

So sorry to hear about your Aussie. We lost out Aussie three years ago to the Jerky treats with meat from China. We have a new Aussie who is 9 weeks and I am so paranoid about meds, vaccines, food everything. I need to find a vet that understands the breed and keeps up on current studies. The vet I went to this week recommended trifexis and I had to tell them I'd do research first. Glad you posted this thank you.

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