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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Heartworm meds

by Kelly
(Seminole, FL)

We have a new Mini Aussie puppy and have tried finding Interceptor to continue the same heartworm meds as the breeder, however I cannot find it or Sentinel because of the manufacturing problems. What is everyone else using for heartworm meds that does not have ivermectin in it?

Comments for Heartworm meds

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Trifexis is the new ivermectin free heartworm preventative. You could also give your dog the MDR1 test to see if he is ivermectin sensitive. If he is not, you can give Heartguard.

Interceptor is still available
by: jcrply

The Drs. Foster and Smith website shows that they still have Interceptor available to order.

by: Anonymous

Thanks for comments. Actually Drs. Foster and Smith are out of stock of Interceptor and Sentinel. I tried them, but thanks. After talking to my vet again, I am going to use Trifexis, as was suggested.
I asked about the topical Revolution, but he said it doesn't work.

Caution Trifexis
by: Linda

Watch your dog carefully if you put him on Trifexis!
The vet had my 2 mini aussies try it for a month. My male was okay with it but my female thru up all night long. I woke up the next morning to find about 12-15 places in the kitchen where she got sick. Poor thing, I had no idea how bad she felt till the morning. That's going to be an issue, I can't put her on that again. Shes very sensitive. I don't know what to put her on now.

Try Sentinal
by: Jacquie

I have an Aussiedoodle. We have him on Sentinel flavor tabs. the breeder who we bought him from used to use Interceptor and now uses Sentinel. He loves it and and no adverse effects.

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