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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

HELP! 5 Month Old Australian Shepherd Treated With Heartguard Containing Ivermectin

by Beth Ortiz
(Houston, Texas)

Our Aussie looks drunk. She was given Heartguard and NexGuard and 36 hours later has lost her balance and coordination. She is falling into things and her head bobbles.

Has anyone had this happen and how long does it take to recover? What was the treatment? First vet doesn’t believe it’s caused by the Ivermectin, headed to new vet in the morning.

Please help if you have any knowledge on this issue.

Comments for HELP! 5 Month Old Australian Shepherd Treated With Heartguard Containing Ivermectin

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Ivermectin Can Be Dangerous For Australian Shepherds
by: Anton

Australian Shepherds can be highly sensitive to many drugs including Ivermectin. You can find out more about that here.

MDR1 Gene Mutation Causes Dangerous Sensitivity

I'd recommend seeing a vet ASAP.

Get help
by: Anonymous

I don’t know when you posted this issue. Many vets are still not familiar with the effects of certain meds on dogs with the mdr1 mutation. If your new vet needs treatment advice, try clicking on the link in Anton’s article where he advises how to get your dog tested. The staff at the Washington State University lab is very helpful and may assist your vet by phone. Best of luck.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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