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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help, I Need To Stop Behavior Of My Aussie Before My Wife Makes Me Get Rid Of Him!

by Lance
(Springfield, MO)

I have a almost 2 year old Blue Merle Mini Aussie that is just a bundle of energy as all are but everytime he goes outside he bites the door knob and just sits there and barks and bites it again. It's tearing them up. Tried letting him out the back but no luck. We do have a smaller dog; he's a 4 yr old Carin Terrier. I'm just trying to make him stop and figure out why he's doing what he's doing?

Comments for Help, I Need To Stop Behavior Of My Aussie Before My Wife Makes Me Get Rid Of Him!

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Blue Merle Aussie
by: Anonymous

He wants to play. He wants your attention.

Aussie Behavior
by: Anonymous

Yeah, aussie's just want to be with their humans all the time.Mine does his thing and wants right back in,I put a dog door up so he can come and go as he pleases,he loves it,still most of the time he's within 5 feet of me

Love him
by: Anonymous

I have two Aussies, a mini and a toy. They pretty much follow me everywhere, especially the mini. He just wants to be with you. Try playing frisbee.

behavior issues
by: Anonymous

A lot of behavior issues like the ones you are having come from a bored Aussie. Walks are not enough exercise for an Aussie they need at least a 45 minute a day jog/run. I bike my Aussie 4 miles in the morning the he gets fetch and walks in the evening. Another useful tool I have found is a treadmill I have trained my dog to walk on it so he can still get exercise when I don't have the time.

by: Anonymous

Please don't "get rid of him" !!! Have your tried obedience classes? We found that obedience classes were very helpful.

We have two Aussies, they follow me everywhere I go ... even to the bathroom. I usually just leave the door cracked, otherwise, the blue merle will try to tear it down to get to me. The black tri follows me and then leaves. The blue merle stays.

If your weather is good you might try teaching him to retrieve the frisbee or a ball or other "fetch and return" type of toy. Again, it will depend on the temperament of your Aussie. Or just taking him for a walk. He needs to have exercise to use his energy.

I have polar opposites. They are half sisters and yet they are nothing alike in this department. The blue merle is crazy about frisbee. And I mean crazy about frisbee!! We can't even say the word out loud unless we are planning to get it and play. She literally quivers all over when you get it out and every time you get ready to throw it! However, my black tri has no interest at all. She wants others to think she is athletic, but she's not. She wants someone to throw her frisbee but she just wants to go get it, lay down, watch the blue merle and chew grass.

Good luck and don't give up yet!!

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