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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help! My 2 Year Old Mini Is Aggressive With My Daughter

by Erika

I have a 2 year old male Mini Aussie. I got him when he was 11 weeks old, the last of his litter to be adopted, and upon meeting him I could not separate him from my daughter. He followed her around and constantly craved her attention. He came to work with me everyday and was good with everyone he encountered. Then at about 7 months old his disposition changed. He no longer enjoyed coming with me to work and he wanted NOTHING to do with my daughter. In fact, at one point he bit her on her face and broke skin where she nearly needed stitches.

I have taken him to obedience classes for socialization and basic training, the vet to check to see if there could be something irritating him (that was a nightmare) and even sought help from a behavioral therapist. He is great with other dogs, pays no mind to strangers when they ignore him but he growls and will attempt to bite my 5 year old daughter. She now wants nothing to do with him. In fact, she ignores him completely. Is there any way to save me from having to re-home him?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for Help! My 2 Year Old Mini Is Aggressive With My Daughter

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by: Marsha

My first question would be has he been fixed?

2 year old mini
by: Anonymous

Is your dog neutered? And I hate to ask... but could your daughter be doing something to him that makes him mad? It does seem odd that all of a sudden he started to act like this. I have a 10 month old male mini aussie and he's so passive and calm you'd think he was an older dog. Our other standard aussie (female) is about 2 1/2 and she too is very gentle.

I sure hope you find out what's going on... they really are great dogs. But, not if they bite. Can't have that. Especially when there are kids involved.

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