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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help - Potty Training Forgotten

by Alexis
(Lubbock, TX)

I have an 8 month Australian Shepherd. I have had her since she was 6 weeks old. Two weeks ago I took her to my parents house and since I am moving back there in 2 months they insisted on keeping her till I move back so she can get use to the new house and their two dogs.

They keep telling me that she is good all day till the evening. She gets plenty of exercise. She swims all day with my parents Golden Retriever and then goes on a evening walk with my mom. They keep waking up to her having accidents around the upstairs of the house, both bowel movements and pee.

When she lived with me she was potty trained by 5 months. I live in a house, and she had a doggie door. I am not sure to why she is having these accidents at my parents house now. It is extremely frustrating because I miss her lots and she was potty trained.

I really do not understand why she is engaging in this bad behavior. If anyone has any tips or advice that I could pass along to my parents that would be wonderful.

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by: Toni

I think that she probably is stressed out in a new place without you. I bet as soon as you go back she'll be better. Until then they can maybe crate her and act as if she is learning to potty train all over again. Good luck!

Help, Potty Training Forgotten
by: Anonymous

We have a 2 1/2 year old male Aussie, 4 Yr old female Border Collie & 8mth old male lab. All of our dogs get along very well together, both indoors & out, and all are spayed & neutered. The problem is the Border Collie. She is the most obedient of all, except if she's left out in the house at night. She hasn't messed in the house since she was 10 weeks old, but if left out at night will do both in front of the front & back doors. I think it's a protective thing with her, as in marking her territory. We have tried several times to leave her out of her kennel, but have resigned ourselves that she has to go in there at night. My Aussie is very protective of our other dogs as well, especially outdoors, but we have no problem with him messing at night. Maybe your dog is feeling protective too?

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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