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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help!! Reaction To Advantix Treatments

I have an 11 month old black tri Australian Shepherd that after the 3rd Advantix treatment started pacing around and was very unsettled and the only relief came from me scratching her nonstop. Apparently she is sensitive to this pesticide. Any suggestions for effective flea/tick treatments?

Comments for Help!! Reaction To Advantix Treatments

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

If you are only treating for fleas, most of the treatments will last for 3 months. The companies try to get you to put it on your dog every month when it really is not necessary. When these products first came out, the companies emphasized that they only needed to be used every 3 months, but not now and the price keeps going up and up. I use the regular Frontline-- not Frontline+-- only in April when the ticks are bad and again in October when the ticks are bad again. We live in a rural area and fleas are really not a problem. Just ticks. I don't like using poison on my dogs. It just can't be good. You can also check out natural remedies for insect control.

by: Anonymous

Have you tried just not using flea/tick products? I stopped using Advantix type products on my dogs over 15 years ago because I didn't like the idea of using topical pesticides around my children when they were young. I didn't use any flea protection on our previous dogs and our current dog only uses the flea prevention in her heartworm medication (Sentinal). Even though we have lived in multiple locations around the country and take our dogs to dog parks, our dogs have not had fleas except when they first came to live with us. To take care of those fleas, I used a flea comb multiple times a day and drowned the fleas in soapy water.

by: jcrply

My comment will not be popular with most people. I am afraid of all the flea/tick pesticides. I just cannot bring myself to put them on or in my pup. (I do use Interceptor but just at the heartworm dosage. I don't know of any alternatives for heartworm treatment.) For fleas I use a flea comb daily, vacuum weekly, and occasionally use neem oil. I buy the pure neem oil, mix it with some vinegar and water, get a little of it on my hands and rub it down through her hair - mainly near her little tail, back and neck. She does not like the smell, but it fades away fairly soon. For my yard, I used the flea nematodes. The same ones that prey on flea larvae also feed on fire ants. In fact, it was the fire ants that I wanted to get rid of. The flea part was like an added bonus. We used to have a really bad fire ant problem. It took two applications of the nematodes and over a year to get rid of all the fire ants. They have been totally gone for about seven years now.

oh no
by: Anonymous

DETOX! You really should research and read up on Aussies sensativities. if not careful, this can becme serious. Not all vets are aware, or believe. seek one that does! really, our dogs , like children, do not need all those vaccines.

by: Anonymous

aussies should mot be on that anyway interceptor research mdr

by: Dexter

I have trained with working dogs for about 9 years now and Like learning new things when I came across this I thought I had to share. In the past 20 years, many herding dogs have died because we did not understand a genetic mutation that caused normal doses of some drugs to have toxic effects. Scientists have found the problem: the Multi Drug Resistant 1 (MDR1) gene. In addition, more than 30 potentially toxic drugs have been identified, and a lab test has been developed to identify dogs with the abnormal MDR1 gene. Aussies are on the list and several others, I have used Frontline for 9 years leery about using Advantix because they have the warning in there vet jargon on their websites. Hope this helps. My personal dog is Australian Sheppard/Cattle Dog/Charpei/.

Advantix II Reaction -50lb Female Aussie
by: Mikki Bakken

We had previously used Advantix II on all three of our Aussies ( One reg-2 mini ) with no problems. They are 5,4, and 3 years old from largest to smallest. They have never had a bad reaction previously.

About 5 hours after administering the recommended dose, the largest ( 50lbs ) started constantly pacing in a large circle around the house. She likes to be outside often at night and gets too warm from the wood stove, so I thought maybe it was that or she had to pee or something. I let her out and she just continued to pace outside, then laid down on the ground by the fence. I went out to get her and she could barely get herself up to come in.
THE SYMPTOMS: Her respirations were hard, shallow and rapid and her eyes looked distressed. She was pacing and occasionally shaking her back, like she would when wet. Her body temperature was very warm to the touch. Her body was somewhat rigid. She drank twice as much as normal. Her heart rate was a little fast, and she clung
to me when not pacing. Her pupils were pretty dilated but were equal and reactive to light. She did however stare a bit- expressionlessly. Any worse, and it would have been a trip to the ER Vet. ( and it was pretty darn close)

WHAT I DID: I got her into the tub and used Dawn dish liquid in the areas the Advantix II was applied and lathered it. (in the case of removing oil based ANYTHING Dawn is great) and gave her 1 mg per lb Benedryl disguised in a piece of cheese. She pretty quickly settled after that and seemed to feel relief pretty quickly. I was giving her about 1 hr with same symptoms or zero time if symptoms worsened for a trip to the ER Vet. The vet would clean off the stuff and give her something to reduce reaction anyway.

OUTCOME: This morning she was still a little dopey from the benedryl, but resumed normal desired activities and is pretty normal all in all. This afternoon she seems pretty ok. Im pretty sure we are going to take this Advantix II off the list for flea and tick prevention. Very scarey. The smaller ones nearly 24 hours later are just fine. No reactions. BUT- the larger one NEVER had reactions before, so we decided we are not going ever risk it again.

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