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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help With Skittish Pup

by wilda

Will neutering my boy help him with his skittishness? He is 11 months old. He is a sweetheart, but whenever, people come to the house and visit, he gets all nervous, and skittish; the same when I take him places where there are a lot of people, ex: Petco I really want him to be happy to see people, and be his loving self.

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

My answer is: treats and lots of them. Make sure its something that he likes a lot like real chicken, beef, liver, etc. Have everyone who comes in the door just give him lots of treats. If he won't take it from hands, have them drop them on the floor. 11 months is a really hard time for pups. They go through all kinds of wierdnesses at that age. Just keep trying. Don't force him to be friendly but let him make up on his own.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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