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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Help With Submissive Urination

by Shana
(New York)

I have a 4 month old mini female Aussie. We have had her for a month. First of all she's been to the vet no UTI or anything medical. We also know the breeder and up until a week ago we had zero issues.

She is very submissive. Constantly showing hey belly flattening her ears etc. She has a very routine potty schedule and prior never had accidents. Recently, she began to pee whenever I came home or leave the room and return. She use to be overly excited and had accidents. Each time she had an accident I would take her outside. Always praised when she goes, never yelled. I started to ask her to sit or lay down when I greeted her to avoid the urination.

Now each time she sees me she immediately puts her ears down squats and begins to walk away trailing small amounts of pee. I've tried kneeling, avoiding eye contact, approaching her from the side. Nothing is working. It seems to be getting worse. Again she's not punished, we calmly clean up the mess. I even stopped taking her outside each time because she just got more nervous. I need help what am I doing wrong?

Comments for Help With Submissive Urination

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She will outgrow it
by: Tony T

Our female Aussie did the same thing when she was young... she eventually outgrew it.

She potty trained early, and always alerted us to when she wanted outside to do her business, but she still piddled when she became excited, and submissive when she would see people.

She was probably close to a year when she finally started not piddling when she was excited.

To this day she still get's excited to see people, and is submissive to people she hasn't seen in awhile.

She's just a sweet and loving dog towards everyone she meets.

Submissive Peeing
by: Anonymous

It sounds like you are doing all the right steps. She may be starting into her fear stage and will be more weary for a few months. If you continue as you are doing she will probably outgrow it.

Try training go to a mat (to reduce clean ups)
by: MaryF

Sounds like you are doing nothing to cause it - and she may grow out of it soon. Maybe in the mean time try to make a game out of when you meet her that she should go to her 'mat' or pee pad where you can praise her and give her a cookie. Look on Youtube for training the go to a mat if you have not trained this before.

Urinating Aussie
by: Anonymous

We got our Aussie when he was 4months old. He came here with submissive, including hiding, urinating and hunkering down. We have loved and worked extensively with a skilled training. We’ve spent a lot of money, time and love. At a year in a half, the problem is still present. Some dogs do not outgrow this issue. With submissive, highly intelligent dogs...this can be even harder to break. It’s very important to understand this breed and their inheritance personality. Like humans, dogs are born with a personality and issues. Some we outgrow and some we can’t change.

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