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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

He's a Weasel!

by Robert
(Tehachapi, CA)

My Blue Merle boy (now 3yrs) was named Weasel by my girlfriend for good reason! When we are eating he comes over and lays down very close. Just in case any food should happen his way. LOL when I tell him to go lie down, he forgets the go part.

His parents were working cattle dogs in Bakersfield and I had the chance to watch them work a calf, Amazing!

I had been looking/shopping for an Aussie for three months, with prices between $800 to $1200. when I saw an ad in Craigs list for Aussie pups for $100!!

I was in Santa Monica and I dropped everything and drove to Bakersfield. By the time I got there the other two had been adopted. But the remaining pup was TOO cute so home we went!

He has grown into a wonderful, smart, loving bubba of an Aussie. (See enclosed photo) he has learned to keep the free range cattle off our land, and many other services does he perform for us.

I can't imagine life without him now!

Comments for He's a Weasel!

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by: Charles

I could look at pictures of Aussies all day long. The alertness of their stare is captivating and the Weasel has a good good strong steely eyed gaze.

I also get a chuckle at how they all seem to like sleeping on their backs. I don't know why, it just brings a smile to my face whenever I see it. Ours (Dundee) sleeps on his back on the bed with us. It cracks me up.

yes. lol
by: Anonymous

ours is Coopper, Coopy, Coop, wigle but (I think most Aussie owners call theirs that once in a while) buddy, funny face, lover boy, and lately, the way he lifts his leg to relive himself (he just turned 9 months)he looks like he's doing ballet, we called him Sundance. haha

by: Nonnie

Our two Aussies (a mini and a toy), a teacup Poodle and a Maltese puppy, all have first and middle names as wl as other nicknames.

The mini-Aussie is Bailee, Bailee Joy, Bailee bear.
The toy Aussie is Maggie, Maggue Mae, or Maggue moo moo
The teacup Poodle is Lacey, Lacey Lou, or Diva
The Malrese is Sugar, Sugar Cookie or SugaBear. We try not to use Sugabooga...

Your Weasel is a very handsome guy.

by: Anonymous

He is also known as (at various times) Pokie nose, crotch dog, wiggle butt, weasy, Buddy. Does everyone have five names for their dog? LOL

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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