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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Hi My Name Is Wall-E

by Jon
(Danville, CA)

Wall-E is the best puppy in the whole wide world. He is 10 months old, a Mini Aussie (about 15 lbs now) and definitely still has puppy energy. For fun, Wall-E loves hanging with his peeps at the Hap Magee Dog Ranch - he is quite adaptable and alternates between the small and large dog sides. He runs and chases other dogs, but mostly likes to herd the little white dogs, probably because they look like mini sheep. He is learning how to fetch a ball and is about 75% of the way there - he runs to it, grabs it, kicks it, throws it, growls at it, but doesn't seems to bring it back.

At home, Wall-E has two siblings - Kiki and Shaniqua - two "set in their ways" cats. Wall-E wants to play, but the cats don't seem to be interested. Each day they get a little closer though. Wall-E has done a great job of adapting and required little training (we got him at 4 months). He loves the freedom the doggy door allows him and took to it immediately. He goes outside and releases some of his puppy energy by playing with toys (his favorite is stuffed Santa), running around our pool and chasing a squirrel or two.

Wall-E is very protective of his family and is slow to engage strangers, the exception of course is the Dog Park. Once he is comfortable, Wall-E is very affectionate, and is always ready for funtime. We look forward to watching Wall-E grow up and old with us.

Comments for Hi My Name Is Wall-E

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He's so adorable
by: Janet Cordova

Wall-E is so loving, affectionate and smart. I fondly refer to him as wiggle butt because he gets so excited to see me. Fun to play with and very protective. You gotta love him.

I have lived with this beast!
by: Chelsea Cordova

Don't let his cute appearance and boyish charm fool you, this dog is an ill behaved monster! He will snap at you even if you are 30 feet away from you without provocation. Many Aussies are nice and playful, beware this animal, he will try to rip your face to shreds!!! Definitely not worthy to be featured!!!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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