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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care


by Liz
(Corpus Christi, Texas)

Hollybelle is now 9 weeks old. This is my 1st Aussie. I had a 13 year old Aust. Cattle Dog "Abby" who passed away several years ago. Hollybelle knew her name in 3 days, never cried at nite and sleeps on her pillow above my head. She is using the doggie door and is quite a talker. She will be my new trailride companion… when she finishes all her shots. She's not afraid of anything.

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by: Wilda

I love her name. We lost our Luke,at age 5 to epilepsy, this pass Sept. we now have a toy Aussie boy, Cooper. He is the funniest, cutest little guy. He sleeps all night too, never cries, and loves to talk to me when I come in. He "makes me smile with my heart".
Enjoy your new girl. You and she will have a ball together. I wish I had gotten a girl, only because I have a boy Chihuahua (belongs to my daughter) and the chi is very dominant, and aggressive, so they play fight, and fight alot for positions, toys, attention. But Cooper, my Aussie, doesn't get it, that the chi is serious, he thinks he just playing with him. anyway, post a picture if you can. she sounds as sweet as her name.

by: randiAnonymous

your in store for great days ahead. they say aussies need challenges and a purpose. i believe thats the gift they give to us. i lost my champer 7 months ago and im starting to look for an aussiegirl. post a picture and take tons of them they change so quickly.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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