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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How Can I Get Her To Quit Barking?

by Leagh

I got my pup in March and I would say she's 6 1/2 months now. At night it seems she will not be quiet. She's very obedient during the day. She acts better when I let her inside for some reason. But my husband wants her to stay outside due to her breed and they love to run free. She barks all night at least 3 times a week lately. She also likes to destroy trash everywhere. How can I make her stop?

Aussie Behavior Problems? Barking? Aggression? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for How Can I Get Her To Quit Barking?

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by: Kym

Please keep in mind that although they like to be outside to run and get exercise that your aussie wants to be with YOU! They are very family oriented dogs and thrive being with the family. Her barking may be for attention. You may find that if you bring her inside, her barking will more than likely stop.

by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

It's very easy: you bring her inside. Aussies don't do well alone. They NEED to be with people. Mine take turns sleeping in my bed. I'm not saying that she needs to sleep in your bed, but she needs to be in the house with you and that is what she is trying to tell you. Aussies have been bred to truly be man's best friend and to work with him. They are sometimes needy, velcro dogs but that is what we love about them. They love to be with their humans!

Noisy Aussie
by: Anonymous

Sounds like your pup is bored and is looking for attention. Most dogs prefer to be inside where they can be a part of your world.

by: Nonnie

Bring her inside. She just wants to be with you. She doesn't have to sleep in your bed. She can have a bed next to yours.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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