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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How Do I 'Set Boundries' With My Girl Mini Aussie?

She is continuously growling at my girl cat when (cat) she walks by (dog) her.

I have been putting (dog) her in her kennel whenever this happens, and telling her sternly 'NO'. I have tried rewarding when she does not growl (which is rare). Nothing is working.

My cat will walk past, and she will growl. ANYTHING she does, (dog) she will growl.

Am I doing something wrong? If so please help me! She is 2 years old, she just started doing this in the past year, but it has gotten worse.

Sometimes she will even aggressively attack my cat!! Teeth out and everything while high pitch barking!! And when I go pick her up to put her in her bed, she will continue to growl at me... Nothing is worse than your dog growling at you. She is the most loving dog towards me and everyone else in the family at every other time other than during the encounters with the cat. Really... I don’t think I’ve met a more loving animal.

I am so torn and don’t know what to do. She is very good at training which is why this is so frustrating to me.

Please help, any advice is welcome.

Also, I am getting her spayed this week, will this help girl on girl competition?

Thank you so much in advance.

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Sudden growling
by: Anonymous

There is obviously something going on behind this growling behaviour, since it is just recent. Sometimes if a dog is uncomfortable or in pain, they will growl to keep others from getting close and hurting them. Or, sometimes a dog will get very protective and possessive of a family member and growl to keep others away. Controlling the behaviour by crating or rewarding for not growling may work in the short term, but you need to get at the underlying problem. A thorough vet check or the help of a trainer might be necessary.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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