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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How Do You Give A Puppy Cut To An Aussie?

by Abby and Cuda

How do you give an Australian Shepard a puppy cut? I think my blue merle would look great and feel better without all that fur.

Comments for How Do You Give A Puppy Cut To An Aussie?

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Puppy cut
by: Anonymous

Not sure where you live, but Aussie's have what is called a double-coat. They have an undercoat that needs to be brushed out every few months. They should not be shaved or cut really short. Their undercoat keeps them warm in winter and cool in summer. Trimming the coat would help, but please don't shave your Aussie.

Puppy Cut
by: Anne

You do what you want with your Aussie. Take it to a groomer and they will know what you are talking about.
A very well known breeder is also a groomer and she shaves her dogs when they aren't being shown and so do I. I know people say not to because of their double coat, but I would rather not have a dog have a heat stroke in Louisiana with the heat and humidity.
Good Luck!

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Puppy Cut - Houston TX
by: Nonnie

Here are some links to information from breeders and from groomers on the pros and cons of shaving your Aussie. I am not sure about the one I've read about their coat not growing back normally, but I do agree that their coat works to shield them from cold, heat, insects, parasites, sunburn, etc. We have two Aussies and live in Houston. We brush them often to get out the undercoat but we never shave them.

No undercoat
by: Jean

I have a six month old female Aussie, she does not have an undercoat. Will she get one?

Please, common sense
by: Anonymous

Please everyone use some common sense.

Sure Aussies are magical, but they do NOT have magical coats and cooling systems. There are no desert animals with double coats that protect them from the heat, so why would Aussies (and huskies) be the only animals on Earth with such a magical coat and cooling system? Answer: they're not designed for the heat.

Aussies are not Australian, nor were they bred for the heat. Nor did they magically evolve in their extremely short history to be designed to handle heat. They are essentially a designer species, bred for the cold, and now living in hot climates whether they like it or not.

Shave your Aussies. Don't believe this nonsense about double coats being designed to handle heat. Sure they shed to handle heat, but they are not hot weather animals. And their coats will be fine. Shave every species on Earth and some will have a bad reaction, even humans do. But most Aussies will be fine and have a much BETTER summer if they are shaved.

Please stop the misinformation that doesn't even remotely make scientific sense.

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