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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How Do You Socialize A Four Month Old Aussie Who's Never Been Out Of The Kennel

by Jessica
(Hudson, FL)

I just got a 4 month old female Aussie that is frightened of everyone. I don't think she was ever let out of the kennel and he said he sold all of the others 3 weeks ago. She shakes and is paralyzed with fear. How can I get her to trust us and help her to be a happy girl?

Questions About Your Aussie? Australian Shepherd Lover's Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

Comments for How Do You Socialize A Four Month Old Aussie Who's Never Been Out Of The Kennel

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by: Gayle-- Big Run Aussies

Your poor baby! 4 months is a really hard time for pups and she is so very scared. Take your time with her and don't force her to socialize. Make everything pleasant when approaching new people, pets and things. Puppies can be afraid of rocks. I know that's strange, but true. Carry lots of treats with you and hand them to people she meets to give to her. If she tried to hide, let her make up on her own. Get her into a positive reinforcement puppy class where she can have fun. When she is old enough you can start her in agility where she can boost her confidence. Good luck with your new baby!

Your fearful aussie 4 month old
by: Anonymous

I to have a fearful Aussie whatever you do do not cuddle and say poor baby just say its alright lets go and go about your business if possible if you know something is going to happen that is fearful for her try treats and playing constant socializing mine was scared of the house at first the noises water running the toilet the tv he has come along now he does not even flinch to those anymore there are things thou that he is still fearful of thou I think he always will they need to socialize at a young age everything everyday especially if they show signs of being bashful take for rides in the car out in front of the house chained while you wash your car so they get use to all the noises going on mine has problems now with walking in certain areas if geese fly over he goes crazy pulling trying to run he also hated my son at first now he loves him they get better keep working with her constantly.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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