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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How Long Before You Left Your Aussie Out Of Its Crate During The Day?

I have a three month old Mini Aussie, and was wondering how long it took before you left your pup out of the crate while at work during the day? She is only in her crate for a few hours at a time, but while out, manages to find anything but her millions of toys to chew on. When did you know it was the right time to trust your Aussie while you're gone?

Comments for How Long Before You Left Your Aussie Out Of Its Crate During The Day?

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it wasn't long
by: candice

I have a 6 yr old female Aussie named Coley & she was probably a year & a half to two years old before we let her completely roam free while we were gone. She was easy to crate train, we have 2 other female dogs that aren't aussies & they are younger than her & you can really tell the difference. Her using the bathroom inside was never a problem like it was with the other dogs.She definitely chewed on EVERYTHING she could but she was such a good dog because it wasn't long at all before she would go to her crate herself when she could tell we were fixing to leave and she would wait on us to bring her something to chew on & a snack & tell her bye. Not long after that as long as we gave her a snack & a toy or something to chew on when we left we didnt have to worry about our things anymore. We still had to worry with our other dogs lol but luckily they actually learned from coleys behavior & it was a quicker process than it would have been without her. im sure that your Aussie is just as smart & I'm sure it won't be long before u can trust her to be alone. Good luck!

Leaving alone
by: Ann

Ayla was about a year old when we left her alone in the house the first time. It was a short trip to town. However we preceded that by leaving her out of the crate at night. She was not allowed in the bedrooms. This way I could monitor. She NEVER chewed anything that was not hers. To this day we explain what's hers and what's ours. They are SO smart they know. We never had any puppy behaviors either because my husband was retired and she was never left unsupervised. Try short amts of time

6-7 months
by: Nostalgia

My Aussie spent her first night outside her crate at 6 months old. During daytime we had to build up. leave her alone 15 minutes, and return. Then 30 and return, and so forth.

We always keep 2 toys (hard rubber) and 1 chew toy available. We switch the toys every day to keep her interested. However, we recently purchased a camera to monitor her, and she just slacks off all the time.

Evey dog is different though!

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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