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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How To Find A Groomer For A Very Aggressive, Older Aussie Rescue?

by Melinda
(Chagrin Falls, OH)

My 11 year old Aussie/Golden Retriever, Broccoli, who I adopted after Thanksgiving is extremely aggressive when touched in many ways. I found out after the fact that she was abused by a Downs child for at least 1 1/2 years as a puppy before they gave her up to a Golden rescue. Her new family kept her for about 9 years and apparently did not rehabilitate her. She is difficult at the vet (requires both a muzzle and sedative shots) and has only been groomed once with 2 acepromazine. The groomer did a great job even with her severe matting and never mentioned a problem... She bit a different groomer while unsuccessfully treated with 3 ace and then was too sedated for almost 20 hours! I just heard from her previous groomer (connected to my vet's kennel) that she refuses to groom her again as she was too dangerous and tried to bite her too much!!


P.S. While sedated to have her ear checked for repeated ear infections, the vet found a large growth on her chest wall. He operated without sufficient margins and she is now diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma too. I am hoping to find someone if my vet won't to supervise my administering some natural supplements and plan to start a homecooked diet.

Comments for How To Find A Groomer For A Very Aggressive, Older Aussie Rescue?

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oh dear
by: Anonymous

Wow, it was so good of you to take her, but it sounds like you have your hands full. why did the family give her up after 9 years?
I would suggest perhaps you groom her yourself. its really not that difficult, since you don't need to shave her, nor anything drastic like that. I really hope things work out better for you both.

She is too aggressive even for a groomer!
by: Anonymous

That's why not! I'm not sure if I could even muzzle her!

Too Aggressive for a groomer
by: Anne Calmes

She is an ole girl amd now that you aren't giving up on her, good for you, that she has this growth in her chest wall, let her be comfortable. Try to do minimal grooming yourself. It isn't the Groomers fault and they are on a time schedule for grooming their dogs. The sedation the muzzle...groomers don't get paid enough to put up with all that. All the trouble you go through to get her groomed may be too much for this dog, plus the fact she probably isn't feeling well. When dogs, just like people, don't feel well some get grumpy. Love her, make her comfortable and
do your holistic treatment, but in the end she is older and needs to have the respect, after all your dog has been through, to live her golden years out...stress free.
I'd like to know why this family gave her up after 6 years. You have not had her but 8 months, correct.
Keep us updated

Anne Calmes
Gold Ring Aussies
Louisiana, USA

Grooming for Broccoli- my rescue aussie mix
by: Melinda

Broccoli was with her previous family for about 9 years. She was brought to the vet to be put to sleep for her "flea problem." After the woman from St. Francis Animal Sanctuary saw her run and heard why she was there, she asked to take her. The owner went home, brought a couple of records and that was that. I called him once to ask why he didn't just return her to the golden rescue he adopted her from. He said they had tried different means (i.e. asking a few people if they wanted her and then planning to put her to sleep!).

I would NOT consider having her groomed if her coat were not so thick and uncomfortable for her in the heat. She will not allow any brushing beyond one or two swipes before she tries to bite the tool. Even after waiting a bit, once she is aggravated she just moves on to a growl and eventually a more angry growl.

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