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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How To Get My Mini Aussie To Lose Weight

by Tammy
(New Jersey)



My female Aussie is really over weight. We have tried for years to get her to slim down. We have tried a lot of the top brand diet dog food and nothing seems to help. She is about 9 years old now. She only gets dry food and portion according to the bag. We have had her thyroid check 2x's already and that is within normal range.

I am worrying about the getting older and her weight on those little legs! She also has a crusty nose that the vet just seems to blow off. She has had that most of her life. Please keep in mind that I have 2 other dogs as well. I do my best to keep them all separate at dinner, but once in awhile she does steal a couple kibbles from the other bowls. We have a Shepard/Saluki mix a touch older and an indoor Great Pyrnes that just turned 2.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Tammy

Comments for How To Get My Mini Aussie To Lose Weight

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Aussie weight loss
by: Anonymous

I am not sure when you posted this comment, I cannot find a date. After we rescued our Aussie (regular sized) and she ballooned up rather quickly from her malnourished past. We were feeding her 2 cups of dry food a day.

We put her on a green bean diet per the suggestion of our vet's nutritionist.He said NOT to use diet dog food just cut her regular food in half or less and add green beans to it. They are a great source of fiber and they give them a "full" feeling. We give her as many green beans as she wants. We also use them as a treat. She loves them and she has lost close to 30 pounds. Hope this helps!

Overweight dog
by: Anonymous

Remember that the portions on the bag are 1) just a starting guideline, and 2) intended to be for the ideal weight of the dog. If your dog weighs 40 pounds and you are feeding her the 40 pound amount, then you are feeding her too much. If her ideal weight is 27, then you need to feed her the recommended amount for a dog that weight.

You may also want to get her thyroid checked, since that can cause unexplained weight gain.

by: Anonymous

Why would you shave your top coat on your dog it protects him or her from the sun and skin cancer

Weight loss
by: Liz

We just took our little Mini to the Vet for her Shots and a check. This last winter she gained weight and has developed a Snore. She is very active, we hike and walk on a regular schedule. Walks Daily with Hikes on the weekend.

My problem, I reduced her food amount and we are giving her a weight control diet dry food from Blue. I’m almost obsessive over her health. I’m not seeing any loss.

Age: 8.5 year Current weight: 25# (should be for size about 16#)
Height at shoulders is only 14 inches.

She was the runt of the litter.

She is my wonderful little buddy and I want to do all I can to keep her healthy!

Weight loss
by: Children2

I have a female blue merle who is 4 years old. We got her fixed and she blew up a little but now she is 30 pounds and is supposed to be only 18 pounds for her ideal weight.

We have tried several different dog foods; diet ones and non-diet ones. We have cut all portions down for recommended weight loss but nothing works. We have even done boneless skinless chicken for her, cut her dry food way down, and still nothing. Her vet thought her thyroid should be checked but she lost a pound and so they decided not to test her but she has not lost anything since.

She is a very picky eater and hates green beans.
We go for long walks/ runs every day from 30 min. to 1 hour. She now is on medication for arthritisand I am wondering if that is not letting her loos the weight. It is Galaprant and glucosamine.

From some other posts sounds like we all have the same issue. If anyone has any recommendation it would be appreciated.

Dog Weight
by: Anonymous

I am in the same boat as most of you. For my two Mini's one is the mother (5 years old, weighs 22lbs.) and the other is her pup (18 months, weighs 16 lbs.). They both saw their vet for a regular check up. She said that she dosen't want either to gain any weight. They are at an ideal weight. I have both on a kibble based diet. I add some muscle meat, organ meat and vegetables ( mostly carrots) to at least 1 meal per day. The 2nd meal I place in a scuffle mat or an intelligence feeder game, and I give each just kibble. They both seem satisfied and look forward to meal time. I am a dog walker and they join me when I walk these other dogs. I will play with them during the day. They mostly keep each other occupied by chasing and playing with each other.

Everybody sees my Bucky as fat...
by: Phil the Thrill

...but he is so active and loves to eat. There must be something we are missing. He loves the green beans. It must be a breed thing or some metabolism issue specific to minis!

Overweight mini Aussie
by: Anonymous

I’m having that same problem. Mine to is overweight I don’t over feed her. She eats 3 oz.
Of wet canned dog food twice a day and gets 1 treat a day if I can get her to be a little active.

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