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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How To Make My Aussie Stay Home?

by Jessica Ruppe
(Oakdale, Tn)

I have a 3 year old female Aussie. She is the smartest and sweetest dog I've ever had. The issue is her staying home. We live on a 500 acre farm next to my in-laws, who also have an Aussie. She likes spending her time at their home with their Aussie... so much so that it's like we don't even have a dog.

I don't want to fence her because it just seems unfair living where we do, but she is upsetting the "momma cows" and causing the calves to stray from them. She doesn't mean harm, she just wants to play. She's just never properly been trained to run cattle.

My in-laws are not happy... understandably. It's my own fault for not training her properly when she was a pup but she liked "hanging" with her buddy.

Is it too late to train her to stay at home and not to run the cattle without being told. She doesn't listen very well when it comes to the cattle.

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Aussie stay home
by: Anonymous

As you know the herding instinct is strong in these dogs, and if your dog has been running loose for three years those visiting habits are ingrained by now. You might consider an invisible fence to keep her on your property away from the cattle. A friend of mine had five acres of their large property enclosed in an invisible fence. I have also had one and they are a good solution if you get a good quality unit.

It can be done!
by: Kay

I think Aussies are super trainable, even at 3. To build off the electric fence suggestion, I have 2 variations. One is you could put an electric fence around the cattle area, so she can still wander to see her buddy, but would not go near the cattle. The other idea I saw Cesear do. Put a shock collar on her, and take her over to her buddies house. When she gets too near the cattle you push the button and shock her. Do this for a week or so and I bet she will be trained.

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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

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