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Guide To Australian Shepherd Training & Care

How To Tape Aussie Ears

by Jan Mhoon
(Hemet, Ca, USA)

HELP! HOW do I tape my Aussie's ears so they stay button ears for showing. I can't find any info on the other Aussie sites. Found info on boxer and mastiff ears, but not Australian Shepherd. I don't want to tape them wrong as she is such a gorgeous puppy with button ears. PLEASE can someone help me? Thanks Jan

Comments for How To Tape Aussie Ears

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How to tape Aussie Ears
by: Anonymous

If you puppy is teething his ears will change. I suggest that you wait until he is a little older. If you don?t want to wait, take him to his vet, there is a special glue that they can put.

Taping Ears
by: Anonymous

I used a product called Tear Mender on a pup. The ears came out great.
I have since purchased another mini aussie. This breeder did not believe in gluing. Her belief is that if the ears are not correct naturally, the dog shouldn't be bred. After much thought, I am not gluing the new puppy's ears. This way, I will be sure not to breed a dog that might have a prick ear.

Gluing aussie ears
by: Kelly

Contact me if you need help, I'm a breeder of aussies. I do have to glue some of mine. I also use Tear Mender.

How to roll them?
by: Anonymous

Please explain in detail or a visual what you mean by "rolling" which sounds like what I'm looking for. Have taped, if needed, for 30 years but would like to learn how to roll them. I'd really appreciate your help!!!💙

When is it too late
by: Anonymous

I have a 5 month Aussie, I’ve been taping her ears and she has one stubborn one that keeps going rose. When is it too late to tape? Thanks

by: Anonymous

Nobody answered any questions about how to tape or what rolling is.
My sister and I use medical tape. It seems to work better and last longer. Start with a piece of tape on the inside of both ears with a little bit hanging down. Yes sticky side inside the ear at the point. Then you’ll take a long piece and pretty much make a chin strap going up to connect with the other pieces of tape you put on the ears to overlap each other and stick together. Make sure it’s tight. This helps hold the tap in place. You’ll want to make sure there is a little bit of extra tape that goes on the outside of the ear too. If they shake or scratch, get them to stop then treat them for it. Eventually they will leave it alone. I’d say do this every other day. Keep on as long as you feel needed. Past teething stage maybe.

Rolling: If you feel uncomfortable taping, you can "roll" the ears. Essentially you are going to massage your dogs ears forward. Do this for about 10 minutes a day about 3 times a day. Your going to place your fingers behind the cartilage of the ear and just massage it forward like your molding the cartilage into place. This can help. I have notice a difference. Only thing is you’ll have to do this a lot and maybe make a routine out of it. Plus the dogs really enjoy the massage. Lol!

Another option to try for ears
by: annonymous

Regarding keeping those adorable button ears, our breeder suggested giving our pup a women's daily calcium vitamin during the teething phase as well as the gentle massaging (as mentioned by a previous commenter). Just as teething started in earnest, I noticed one of his ears starting to roll back. I started with the daily calcium and massages and by the time he was done teething, the ear came back forward and has remained there ever sense. Now perhaps it would have done so anyway, even without the Calcium, but he LOVED the ear massage (and still does) so it's a win/win!!

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